Happy New Year, everyone! Life caught up with me and I didn’t get a chance to do a 2009 wrap up post!
I still wanted to write a short post about new things coming up on Jenn’s Bookshelves:
- Reading more books from my TBR piles! This year, I vow to be a bit more selective when accepting review copies. My poor TBR piles are about to collapse and I need to pay some attention to them!
- My son, John-John, will be launching a new feature entitled “Tales of a Reluctant Reader” in which he will focus on books that interested him, as a reluctant reader. I still need a button for this feature. Anyone willing to help out? Also, if you are a publisher or author with a book geared for reluctant readers, John-John is accepting review requests! Simply fill out the Review Request Form.
- I was recently diagnosed with pigmentary dispersion syndrome. It’s a mild form of glaucoma. Basically (if you don’t want details skip the rest of this!) the pressure build-up in my eye is causing the pigment to fleck-off and drift into the black part of my eye. In addition, I also have a small rupture close to my optic nerve. I go back to the dr. on the 18th for more tests and to discuss my options. More than likely, I will have a procedure in which they use a laser to create a small “vent” to help alleviate the pressure. If this doesn’t work, I will have to use eye drops to alleviate the pressure. What does this mean? Lots of dr. appointments and not a lot of free time. So, publishers and authors, if I have agreed to review your book, please be patient with me.
Ok, I think that wraps it up! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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