The Great FLOW Woes (and Giveaway)

Yesterday, Rebecca from The Book Lady’s Blog posted an outstanding review of  Elissa Stein and Susan Kim’s fantastic book Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation.  Today she’s hosting a giveaway for one copy of the book! 

*WARNING*-if you are at all squeamish about a woman’s natural body processes stop reading here*

One of the things I enjoyed about Rebecca’s review is the discussion it started, both on her blog and on twitter.  Growing up, the whole topic of menstruation was an uncomfortable one to discuss (totally not faulting you, Mom!).  I grew up in a household with two younger sisters and an older brother.  Technically, since we out outnumbered the men we should have been free to discuss what we wanted.  But for some reason, we didn’t.  But then as we got older, we loosened up and became a bit freer in our topics of conversation.  When we needed Dad to pick up “supplies” at the store, we’d use code: B-52s were pads and tampons were referred to as “Thomases” (thank my little sister for that one!).  

Now that I’m adult (yikes!) I’ve definitely become a bit more open to discuss these sort of things.  Much to my husband’s dismay I talk to him about it all in great detail. Mostly it’s complaining. Not complaining about having a period because, don’t shoot me, I’m one of those women who LOVE to have their period.  It reminds me that I am equipt to carry a child! What a wonderous thing! But complaining about things associated with having  my period.  Here are a few of my top ones:

  • Packaging: why must pads/tampons be sold in bright colored packages covered in flowers? Really??? Also…I don’t necessarily want THE WORLD to know when I’m on the rag.  Why is the individual wrapping so crinkly and noisy!?  There’s absolutely no chance of opening a pad or a tampon without everyone in the bathroom hearing, especially if there is an echo. 
  • Why is there now an entire line of products referred to as “fresh”?  Apparently, they have a smell associated to them.  Are they insinuating I have an odor?  Because I should automatically want my crotch to smell like a field of wildflowers? If God wanted my crotch to smell like flowers then he would have created us all with a nice crotch bouquet. Besides,  a woman’s body keeps itself fresh..adding perfumes to it can cause serious health ramifications.
  • “Sanitary disposal bins”–men, you are lucky enough to not have these in your public restrooms. These are the lovely bins attached to bathroom stalls for women to dispose of their “personal trash.” And really…they’re disgusting.  You open them up to drop something in and you can see what those before you have disposed of.  GROSS!  I guess it’s a good thing I’m in a bathroom stall at the time because I instantly start wretching.  Can’t they use something similar to a Diaper Genie? You drop something in, you turn the top, and away it goes, never to be seen again!
  • Why must people (MEN!) assume that we are having our period if we are a bit cranky?  I don’t get cranky when I’m on the rag (my husband would say I’m cranky all the time).  Yes, a woman can get a little emotional once  a month due to all the hormones racing through her body, but really….what’s your excuse?


Ok, I better stop here before I get too carried away! Thank you, Rebecca, for inciting such a healthy conversation!

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