Since the premiere post for Adventures in Parenting featured my youngest son, I thought I’d be fair and focus on my oldest son, John (affectionately called John-John), for this episode.
One night last week as we were all getting settled for bed, John was up to his usual antics, doing anything he could to avoid going to bed. Usually this is accomplished by spending an unnecessary amount of time brushing his teeth, offering to help me with whatever I’m doing, etc. This night was different.
John very casually mentions that he has a date the following day. I asked John if he knew what a date was, his response was “Yes, it’s when you sit down and talk.” Ok, crisis averted. The “date” was with this little girl in his class, Natalie. He and Natalie have been friends for the past several years.
Fast forward to the next evening. We’re driving home and I ask how his “date” went. Here is a transcript of our exchange:
John: You have to promise not to tell Dad.
Me: Not tell Dad what?
John: (shifts uncomfortably in his seat, giggles, refuses to look me in the eye) We kissed.
Me: (mind you, I’m driving!) Excuse me?
John: On the cheek, on the cheek! Not the lips!
Me: And where did this take place?
John: Recess. We were looking at the clouds, describing what we saw, and she just, you know kissed me.
Me: I see.
I spent the rest of the ten minute car ride getting after Justin for kicking my seat while chanting “John-John got kissed! John-John got kissed!”
When we get home, we all get prepped for dinner. I’ve already mentioned the day’s “festivities” to my husband. It’s his turn to grill talk to John about what happened.
Husband: So, I hear you had a date today. How’d that go.
John: (Gives a very condensed version of that day’s activities)
Justin: (butting in, as is the norm) John-John got kissed!
Husband: Really?
John: (Grins) Yes.
Husband: So, how did that make you feel?
John: I dunno, kinda good.
Dad: So what do you like about Natalie?
John: The way she looks. She has the perfect face, the perfect hair, and the clothes she wears are very fashion-forward (I just about died!)
We spent the rest of dinner explaining appropriate behavior at school and why one shouldn’t be kissing at school, even if it is on the cheek.
I think the Husband and I handled it all very well, given the circumstances!
What about you? Do you remember your first adolescent love or kiss? Or, if you are a parent, can you recall your child’s first love?
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