It’s here, it’s here! R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril, VII! hHosted by Carl over at Stainless Steel Droppings, this is an event I look forward to each year. To me, it is R.I.P. that kicks off the fall season and all things spooktacular! For those unfamiliar with R.I.P. (gasp), here are the details:
Dark Fantasy.
Or anything sufficiently moody that shares a kinship with the above. That is what embodies the stories, written and visual, that we celebrate with the R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril event.
There are multiple levels (or in this case, perils) to this challenge. I plan on participating in two, Peril the First (Read four books, any length, that you feel fit (the very broad definitions) of R.I.P. literature.)
and Peril on the Screen (watch a spooky/eerie television show or movie)
What I like most about participating in R.I.P the most is that it also helps me prepare for my own celebration of all things spooky, Murder Monsters & Mayhem. Following is just a sampling of the books I hope to read as part of R.I.P in preparation for Murder, Monsters & Mayhem:
For the Peril of the Screen portion of the challenge, I have a few movies/shows in mind:
My Amityville Horror
There you have it! Anyone else participating in R.I.P? What are you reading? Any suggestions as to what I should read?
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