What is this Thankfully Reading Weekend I speak of? Here are the details:
This year, Thankfully Reading Weekend will take place November 21-25th! There are no rules to the weekend, we’re simply hoping to devote a good amount of time to reading, and perhaps meeting some of our reading challenges and goals for the year. We thought it’d be fun if we cheered each other on a bit. If you think you can join in, grab the button and add your sign up post to the link-up below. If you don’t have a blog, you can sign up the comments or sign up using a link to your Twitter account or Facebook page, or Instagram account!
Want to host a challenge? Email me directly at jennsbookshelf@gmail.com.
We’ll also be checking in on Twitter and Instagram using hashtag #thankfullyreading. Join in for the weekend or for only a single day. No rules, no pressure!
To sign up, fill out the linky below! Link to wherever you will be posting your updates, be it Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!
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