It’s October 1st or, as I like to call it, the first day of Halloween! Fall temperatures are finally here! Cool, brisk mornings, the smell of leaves in the air. Ahh, pure bliss.
Anyone who has followed this blog for any significant period of time understand just how much I love Halloween (and Fall in general)! To celebrate my obsession with the macabre, each year I host a month long feature in October called Murder, Monsters & Mayhem (#murdermonstersmayhem). For the entire month, I’ll be sharing some horror/thriller/mystery suspense titles that gave me the chills!
To say that 2020 as been a year of horrors is an understatement. Many have asked me how I can stand to read horror, when what’s going on in the world is pretty horrifying. Horror has, and always will be, my escape. Why? I have control. I can put that book down. I can walk away. It’s allowed me to deal with terrifying things in real life. Reading it as a child, yes, it was pretty terrifying. However, in the end, I knew that monster or that thing that terrified me can be beaten. I survived. We can survive.
So, to kick off Murder, Monsters & Mayhem, share why you read horror!
Share your responses in the comments or using the link-up.
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