Happy October 1st!! The first day of Halloween is finally here!!
I like to kick off each Murder, Monsters & Mayhem by asking the same question: Why Do You Read (or Watch) Horror?
Horror has, and always will be, my escape. Why? I have control. I can put that book down. I can walk away. It's allowed me to deal with terrifying things in real life. Reading it as a child, yes, it was pretty terrifying. However, in the end, I knew that monster or that thing that terrified me can be beaten. I survived. We can survive.
The last few years have been pretty horrific on their own. Have you noticed, though, that horror in fiction and film (and television) is increasing in popularity? It's no fluke. Horror has always been used as a means to relay, metaphorically at least, the very things that haunt Society. It gives us something visual and tangible to represent the very things going on the the world, the nation, that terrify us.
Why do you read horror? Has it changed over the years or remained a constant? Have you just recently started reading it? Or were you like me and started reading it when you were young? Feel free to answer below in the comments, or do your own post and link it below! If posting on Instagram or Twitter, don't forget to use the #murdermonstersmayhem hashtag!
Why Do You Read Horror? #MurderMonstersMayhem Day 1!
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