Mark your calendars! We’re getting so close to my favorite time of year…..Halloween. With that comes Murder, Monsters & Mayhem, a month-long feature for all things thriller, horror and *new addition* science fiction!
Why yes, I do realize October is still a few months away. Alas, it does take time to plan and prepare for an event of this magnitude! August is when I finalize my plans for coverage and start reading those books, watching the movies, listening to the podcasts, that I’ll feature in October!
Another change for this year: I’ve moved to posting my book coverage on Instagram only, so make sure you are following me there to get updates!
Authors, publishers, horror/thriller/sci-fi fans! If you want to participate with a giveaway, guest post, etc., feel free to reach out to me via the “Contact Me” form!
Much more news in the coming weeks! Until then, check your locks. Turn on all the lights. You never know who (or what) is hiding in the darkness.