2024 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Kick-Off! #murdermonstersmayhem

Today’s the day! The first day of October & the first day of Murder, Monsters & Mayhem!!

Anyone who has followed this blog for any significant period of time understand just how much I love Halloween (and Fall in general)! To celebrate my obsession with the macabre, each year I host a month long feature in October called Murder, Monsters & Mayhem (Mx3). For the entire month, I’ll be sharing some horror/thriller/mystery suspense titles that gave me the chills!

Are you ready? Do you have a stack of spooky books you can’t wait to start? Show us what you plan to read this month! Most of my posting will take place on Instagram, but I wanted to post the traditional link-up post. If you are on Instagram, use the #murdermonstersmayhem so we can follow your progress!

Stay tuned for more….and keep your lights on!

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