February 2025
- 09: 2025 The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon Kickoff! #biggamereadathon (0)
- 08: 2025 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon! #biggamereadathon (0)
January 2025
- 27: Book Club Favorites of 2024 (1)
December 2024
November 2024
- 30: 2024 Thankfully Reading Weekend Day Four: Small Business Saturday #thankfullyreadingweekend (2)
- 29: 2024 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Three! #thankfullyreadingweekend (2)
- 28: 2024 Thankfully Reading Day Two (1)
- 27: 2024 Thankfully Reading Weekend Begins! (2)
- 09: 2024 Thankfully Reading Weekend! (7)
October 2024
- 26: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2024 (1)
- 01: 2024 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Kick-Off! #murdermonstersmayhem (0)
January 2024
- 04: Book Club Favorites of 2023! (2)
November 2023
- 26: 2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Wrap-up #thankfullyreading (0)
- 25: 2023 Thankfully Reading Day Four: Small Business Saturday! (0)
- 24: 2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Three! #thankfullyreadingweekend (0)
- 23: 2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Two (0)
- 22: 2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend Begins! #thankfullyreading (2)
- 14: 2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend! (2)
October 2023
- 14: 2023 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: Week 2 in Review (1)
- 06: 2023 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: Week in Review (2)
- 01: 2023 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Begins! #murdermonstersmayhem (1)
September 2023
July 2023
April 2023
- 21: On My Shelves This Week: Memory Swiping and Family Secrets (0)
- 14: On My Shelves This Week: Burning Theaters, Black Immortals (1)
- 07: On My Shelves This Week: Gardening Collective, Fan Fiction & Horror in Deep Space (0)
- 01: Month in Review: March 2023 (1)
March 2023
- 31: On My Shelves This Week: Haunted Houses, Dark Secrets, Deadly Superbugs (4)
- 24: On My Shelves This Week: Historic Horror, Loneliness & Gifted Women (1)
- 17: On My Shelves This Week: Witches & Russian Oligarchs (0)
- 10: On My Shelves This Week: Roman Fever and the Power of Stories (0)
- 08: On My Shelves this Week: Feb 27-March 3 (1)
February 2023
- 13: 2023 Big Game’s On #Readathon: Post-Game Report (0)
- 12: 2023 Big Game’s On #Readathon: Halftime! (0)
- 12: 2023 Big Game’s On #Readathon: Kick-Off! (0)
- 06: 2023 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon! #readathon (2)
- 06: A Month in Review: January 2023 (1)
January 2023
December 2022
- 31: 2022: A Year in Review (1)
November 2022
- 27: 2022 Thankfully Reading Weekend Wrap-up! #thankfullyreading (1)
- 26: 2022 Thankfully Reading Weekend Day Four: Small Business Saturday #thankfullyreadingweekend (1)
- 25: 2022 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Three! #thankfullyreadingweekend (3)
- 24: Thankfully Reading Day Two: Happy Thanksgiving! #thankfullyreading (3)
- 23: 2022 Thankfully Reading Weekend Begins! #thankfullyreading (5)
- 20: 2022 Thankfully Reading Weekend! #ThankfullyReading (11)
- 03: Where to Find Me (Yes, I’m Still Reading!)! (0)
October 2022
- 22: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2022 (0)
- 10: 2022 Murder Monsters & Mayhem Feature: Indigenous Horror Authors (0)
- 03: Review: Ghost Eaters by Clay McLeod Chapman #murdermonstersmayhem (0)
- 01: 2022 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: Why Do You Read Horror? (0)
September 2022
- 30: 2022 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Kick-off! #MurderMonstersMayhem (0)
- 03: Announcing: 2022 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem! (0)
June 2022
May 2022
- 04: Review: Child Zero by Chris Holm (0)
March 2022
February 2022
- 14: 2022 Big Game’s On #readathon: Post Game Report (0)
- 13: 2022 Big Game’s On #Readathon: Half-Time (1)
- 13: 2022 Big Game’s On #Readathon: Kick-off! (4)
- 04: 2022 Big Game’s On #Readathon! (8)
January 2022
November 2021
- 28: 2021 #ThankfullyReading Weekend Wrap-Up! (0)
- 27: 2021 Thankfully Reading Day 4: Small Business Saturday #thankfullyreading (1)
- 26: 2021 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day 3 #thankfullyreading (1)
- 25: 2021 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Two #thankfullyreading (1)
- 24: 2021 Thankfully Reading Weekend Begins! #thankfullyreading (2)
- 08: *Save The Date* 2021 Thankfully Reading Weekend #thankfullyreading (11)
- 02: On Loss (5)
October 2021
- 23: Dewey’s October 2021 24-Hour #Readathon: Update Post (0)
- 22: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2021 (2)
- 18: Review: To Break a Covenant by Alison Ames (0)
- 12: Review: The Girls Are Never Gone by Sarah Glenn Marsh (0)
- 09: 2021 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Feature: Hometown Haunts (0)
- 07: Review: Mary, Will I Die? by Shawn Sarles (0)
- 05: Review: Getaway by Zoje Stage (0)
- 04: Review: My Heart is A Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones (2)
- 02: Review: Chasing the Boogeyman by Richard Chizmar (0)
- 01: Why Do You Read Horror? #MurderMonstersMayhem Day 1! (0)
September 2021
- 30: 2021 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Kick-Off! #murdermonstersmayhem (1)
- 01: Announcing: 2021 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem! (1)
August 2021
July 2021
- 09: Review: Falling by T. J. Newman (2)
June 2021
- 28: Review: What’s Done In Darkness by Laura McHugh (2)
- 14: Review: The Box in the Woods by Maureen Johnson (1)
- 07: Review: Yes, Daddy by Jonathan Parks-Ramage (2)
April 2021
- 24: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: April 2021 Update Post (1)
- 23: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: April 2021 (3)
- 06: Review: The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon (0)
March 2021
- 10: Review: Red Widow by Alma Katsu (1)
February 2021
- 25: Review: Never Far Away by Michael Koryta (1)
- 08: 2021 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Post Game Report (0)
- 07: 2021 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Halftime! (0)
- 07: 2021 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Kick-off! (0)
- 03: Sign Up for the 2021 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon! (0)
November 2020
- 29: 2020 #ThankfullyReading Weekend Wrap-up! (0)
- 28: 2020 #ThankfullyReading Weekend: Day Three! (0)
- 27: 2020 #ThankfullyReading: Day Two! (0)
- 26: 2020 #ThankfullyReading Weekend Kick-Off! (3)
- 22: 2020 Thankfully Reading Weekend! (4)
October 2020
- 26: Review: Life with the Afterlife: 13 Truths I Learned about Ghosts by Amy Bruni (0)
- 24: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2020 Update Post (0)
- 23: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2020 (0)
- 20: Review: The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher (0)
- 07: Review: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E.Schwab (0)
- 01: 2020 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Kick-Off: Why Do You Read Horror? (0)
September 2020
- 18: Announcing: 2020 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem (0)
- 16: Review: The Residence by Andrew Pyper (0)
- 02: Review: Night of the Mannequins by Stephen Graham Jones (0)
August 2020
July 2020
- 28: Review: His & Hers by Alice Feeney (0)
- 27: What I’ve Been Reading-July 2020, Part One (1)
- 02: Review: Friends and Strangers by J. Courtney Sullivan (0)
June 2020
April 2020
- 28: Review: You Let Me In by Camilla Bruce (1)
- 27: Short Takes: Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells (0)
- 25: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: April 2020 Update Post (0)
- 24: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: April 2020 (0)
- 20: Review: Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier (0)
- 09: Review: The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix (2)
- 06: Review: The City We Became by N. K. Jemisin (1)
March 2020
- 23: Review: The Return by Rachel Harrison (0)
- 11: Review: Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel (1)
- 02: Review: The Deep by Alma Katsu (0)
February 2020
- 10: Review: The Chill by Scott Carson (2)
- 03: 2020 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Post-Game! (0)
- 02: 2020 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Half-Time! (0)
- 02: 2020 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Kick-Off! (0)
- 01: 2020 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Pregame (0)
January 2020
- 28: 2020 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon! (4)
- 15: Book Club: Favorite Reads of 2019! (1)
- 06: Review: Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid (0)
December 2019
- 31: Favorite Books of 2019 (0)
- 30: Review: Three-Fifths by John Vercher (1)
- 01: 2019 #ThankfullyReading Weekend Wrap-Up (8)
November 2019
- 30: 2019 #ThankfullyReading Weekend: Day Four! (0)
- 29: 2019 #ThankfullyReading Weekend Day Three! (1)
- 28: 2019 #ThankfullyReading Weekend: Day Two! (1)
- 27: 2019 #ThankfullyReading Weekend Begins! (9)
- 05: Save the Date! 2019 #ThankfullyReading Weekend! (7)
October 2019
- 28: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2019 Wrap-Up Post! (0)
- 26: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2019 Update Post (0)
- 25: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2019 (0)
- 23: Review: The Good House by Tananarive Due (0)
- 22: Come Join Us By The Fire; A Must Listen for Horror Fans! (0)
- 15: Review: The Survival of Molly Southbourne by Tade Thompson (0)
- 14: Review: The Murders of Molly Southbourne by Tade Thompson (0)
- 07: Haunting New Television Series (1)
- 04: Review: A Cosmology of Monsters by Shaun Hamill (1)
- 02: Review: The Remaking by Clay Chapman #murdermonstersmayhem (0)
- 01: Review: Before The Devil Fell by Neil Olson #murdermonstersmayhem (0)
September 2019
August 2019
- 30: 2019 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: Seeking Guest Posts! (0)
- 29: Readers Imbibing Peril (RIP) XIV! (3)
- 19: Review: Middlegame by Seanan McGuire (0)
July 2019
June 2019
- 17: Review: Recursion by Blake Crouch (0)
- 10: Review: City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert (0)
- 05: Review: Miracle Creek by Angie Kim (2)
May 2019
- 15: Review: The Invited by Jennifer McMahon (0)
- 10: Review: The Silence by Tim Lebbon (0)
- 01: Review: Before She Was Found by Heather Gudenkauf (0)
April 2019
- 16: Review: The Editor by Steven Rowley (0)
- 09: Review: The Lost History of Dreams by Kris Waldherr (0)
- 05: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: April 2019 (0)
February 2019
- 23: Giveaway! The Hunger by Alma Katsu (0)
- 21: In Which One Line Changes Everything (A Day in the Life of a Book Reviewer) (1)
- 04: 2019 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Post-Game! (2)
- 03: 2019 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Half-Time! (0)
- 03: 2019 The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Kick-off! (2)
- 02: 2019 The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Pregame (1)
January 2019
- 30: Winter Book Preview: February 2019, Part I (1)
- 29: 2019 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon! (4)
- 15: Review: Once a Midwife by Patricia Harman (0)
- 10: Book Club: Favorite Reads of 2018 (0)
- 09: Review: The Au Pair by Emma Rous (0)
- 08: How ‘They Both Die at the End’ by Adam Silvera Helped Me Deal with Loss (1)
- 03: Winter Book Preview: January 2019 (0)
December 2018
November 2018
- 25: 2018 Thankfully Reading Weekend Wrap (1)
- 24: 2018 Thankfully Reading Weekend Day Four: Small Business Saturday! (0)
- 23: 2018 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Three! (1)
- 22: 2018 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Two! (0)
- 21: 2018 Thankfully Reading Weekend Begins! (0)
- 15: 2018 Thankfully Reading Weekend Sign-Ups Open! (16)
- 08: 2018 Thankfully Reading Weekend! (1)
- 07: Review: Elevation by Stephen King (0)
- 02: Cover Reveal! One Small Sacrifice by Hilary Davidson (2)
October 2018
- 22: Review: The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter by Hazel Gaynor (2)
- 21: Dewey’s October 2018 #Readathon Closing Post (0)
- 20: Dewey’s October 2018 24-Hour #Readathon Update Post! (2)
- 19: Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon Mini Challenge! (29)
- 19: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2018 (1)
- 19: Review: Lullaby by Jonathan Maberry (0)
- 16: Review: The Girl in the Locked Room by Mary Downing Hahn (2)
- 15: Review: Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House (2)
- 13: 2018 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Week 2 Recap! (0)
- 12: Review: November Road by Lou Berney (4)
- 11: Small Press Spotlight! Valancourt Books! (0)
- 10: Review: The Witch of Willow Hall by Hester Fox (1)
- 09: Review: The Lies We Told by Camilla Way (0)
- 05: 2018 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Week 1 Recap! (1)
- 04: Review: The Impossible Girl by Lydia Kang (1)
- 03: Review: The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas (1)
- 02: Review: Foe by Iain Reid (2)
- 01: 2018 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Kick-Off! (0)
September 2018
- 18: Review: I Know You Know by Gilly Macmillan #iknowyouknow (4)
- 11: Review: Cross Her Heart by Sarah Pinborough (3)
- 04: Announcing 2018 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem! (1)
August 2018
- 31: R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril Thirteen! (4)
- 29: Quick-Takes Review: #MurderTrending by Gretchen McNeil (0)
- 21: Review: Vox by Christina Dalcher (1)
- 01: Review: The Shortest Way Home by Miriam Parker (2)
July 2018
- 27: Dewey’s July 24-Hour REVERSE #Readathon! (1)
- 26: Review: Contagion by Erin Bowman (1)
- 16: Review: Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage (1)
- 11: Review: Give Me Your Hand by Megan Abbott (0)
- 06: Review: Caged by Ellison Cooper (1)
June 2018
- 22: Review: The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager (0)
- 15: Review: Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier (0)
May 2018
- 31: Review: Glimpse by Jonathan Maberry (2)
- 21: Review: Tangerine by Christine Mangan (0)
- 10: Audio Book Review: I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara (1)
- 02: Review: Kill Creek by Scott Thomas (0)
April 2018
- 29: Dewey’s April 2018 #Readathon Wrap Up Post (0)
- 28: Dewey’s April 2018 #Readathon Update Post! (2)
- 27: Dewey’s April 2018 24-Hour #Readathon! (1)
February 2018
- 27: Review: The Hunger by Alma Katsu (2)
- 23: Review: The Lucky Ones by Tiffany Reisz (5)
- 05: 2018 Big Game’s On Read-a-athon: Postgame (3)
- 04: 2018 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Halftime (0)
- 04: 2018 The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: The Kick-off! (3)
- 03: 2018 The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Pregame (0)
- 01: 2018 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon! (9)
January 2018
- 17: Review: The Perfect Nanny by Leila Slimani (2)
- 08: Review: The Chalk Man by C. J. Tudor (4)
- 03: Review: The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn (1)
- 01: My Top Books of 2017 (5)
December 2017
- 28: Review: The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin (3)
- 15: I’m Still Here! (2)
November 2017
- 26: 2017 #ThankfullyReading Weekend Wrap-Up Post (2)
- 25: 2017 #ThankfullyReading Weekend: Day Four (Small Business Saturday) (0)
- 24: 2017 #ThankfullyReading Weekend: Day Three (0)
- 23: 2017 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Two! (0)
- 22: 2017 Thankfully Reading Weekend Kick-Off! (0)
- 21: Thankfully Reading Weekend Begins Tomorrow! (1)
- 14: 2017 Thankfully Reading Weekend! (4)
- 02: Review: Seven Days of Us by Francesca Hornak (1)
October 2017
- 21: Dewey’s October 2017 #Readathon Update Post (1)
- 20: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: October 2017 (2)
- 12: Review: Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand (3)
- 10: Audiobook Review: The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova (2)
- 05: Audiobook Review: Nights of the Living Dead-An Anthology (0)
- 04: Review: Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of ’70s and ’80s Horror Fiction by Grady Hendrix (0)
- 01: 2017 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Kick-Off! (0)
September 2017
- 28: Announcing 2017 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem!! (0)
- 19: Review: If There’s No Tomorrow by Jennifer L. Armentrout (1)
- 05: R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VI (0)
August 2017
- 25: Review: Unraveling Oliver by Liz Nugent (0)
- 21: Review: The Quiet Child by John Burley (2)
- 14: Review: The Talented Ribkins by Ladee Hubbard (1)
- 08: Fall Book Preview: August 2017, Part II (0)
- 04: Review: The Lost Ones by Sheena Kamal (2)
July 2017
- 27: Review: Sons and Soldiers by Bruce Henderson (1)
- 26: Fall Book Preview: August 2017, Part I (1)
- 24: Review: Cocoa Beach by Beatriz Williams (0)
- 18: Review: Final Girls by Riley Sager (1)
- 10: Review: The Bookshop at Water’s End by Patti Callahan Henry (0)
- 06: Review: The Secrets She Keeps by Michael Robotham (0)
June 2017
- 20: Review: The Confusion of Languages by Siobhan Fallon (2)
- 15: Review: The White Road by Sarah Lotz (0)
- 12: Review: Gwendy’s Button Box by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar (1)
- 07: Review: The Golden Compass: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman (1)
- 02: Review: A House Without Windows by Nadia Hashimi (2)
May 2017
- 26: Review: The Only Child by Andrew Pyper (1)
- 25: Summer Book Preview: June 2017, Part III (0)
- 22: Summer Book Preview: June 2017, Part II (1)
- 19: Summer Book Preview: June 2017 (2)
- 09: Review: Skitter by Ezekiel Boone (0)
- 05: Review: Ararat by Christopher Golden (0)
- 02: Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon: April 2017 Wrap-Up Post (0)
- 01: Month in Review: April 2017 (0)
April 2017
- 29: Dewey’s April 2017 #Readathon Mini Challenge: Create a Story in Your Stack (14)
- 29: Dewey’s April 2017 24-Hour Read-a-thon Update Post (0)
- 28: Dewey’s 24 Hour #Readathon: April 2017 (0)
- 27: Review: The Red Hunter by Lisa Unger (0)
- 24: Review: Burn Town by Jennifer McMahon (2)
- 21: Review: I Found You by Lisa Jewell (1)
- 17: Review: American War by Omar El Akkad (0)
- 12: Review: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (2)
- 07: Review: Waking Gods by Sylvain Neuvel (1)
- 03: Review: Say Nothing by Brad Parks (0)
March 2017
- 31: Month in Review: March 2017 (0)
- 29: Review: The Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck (1)
- 27: Review: The Night Mark by Tiffany Reisz (0)
- 23: Review: The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See (1)
- 21: Spring Book Preview: April 2017, Part II (1)
- 20: Spring Book Preview: April 2017, Part I (1)
- 16: Review: A Simple Favor by Darcey Bell (1)
- 13: Audiobook Review: Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear (3)
- 09: Review: The Mermaid’s Daughter by Ann Claycomb (0)
- 08: Review: The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel (1)
- 02: Review: Ill Will by Dan Chaon (0)
- 01: Month in Review: February 2017 (3)
February 2017
- 21: Review: Setting Free the Kites by Alex George (4)
- 17: Review: The Book of Mirrors by E. O. Chirovici (0)
- 16: Spring Book Preview: March 2017, Part III (2)
- 15: Spring Book Preview: March 2017, Part II (1)
- 14: Spring Book Preview: March 2017, Part I (4)
- 10: Review: The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn (0)
- 09: Review: The Impossible Fortress by Jason Rekulak (1)
- 08: Review: The Nightwalker by Sebastian Fitzek (1)
- 06: Month in Review: January 2017 (2)
- 02: Review: Containment by Hank Parker (1)
January 2017
- 25: Review: Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough (3)
- 24: Review: Small Admissions by Amy Poeppel (5)
- 12: Batgirl at Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls) by Lisa Yee (2)
- 09: Review: Two Days Gone by Randall Silvis (3)
- 06: Review: Little Heaven by Nick Cutter (0)
- 04: Book Club Discussions: Favorites of 2016 (0)
- 03: Review: The Sleepwalker by Chris Bohjalian (1)
December 2016
- 28: Year in Review: Best Books of 2016 (5)
- 12: Review: A Boy Named Christmas by Matt Haig (0)
- 08: Audio book Review: Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan (1)
- 05: Review: Holding up the Universe by Jennifer Niven (0)
- 01: A Month in Review: November 2016 (2)
November 2016
- 27: 2016 Thankfully Reading Weekend Wrap-Up Post (3)
- 26: Thankfully Reading Weekend Day Four: Small Business Saturday (1)
- 25: 2016 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Three (3)
- 24: 2016 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Two! (1)
- 23: 2016 Thankfully Reading Weekend Kick-Off! (3)
- 22: Review: I’ll Take You There by Wally Lamb (2)
- 18: Winter Book Preview: December 2016 (1)
- 16: Review: The Magnolia Story by Chip & Joanna Gaines (2)
- 09: 2016 Thankfully Reading Weekend! (32)
- 07: Review: Everything We Keep by Kerry Lonsdale (1)
- 01: 2016 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Wrap-up/Month in Review (0)
October 2016
- 31: Audiobook Review: The Family Plot by Cherie Priest (2)
- 27: Review: Graveyard: True Hauntings from an Old New England Cemetery (0)
- 26: Review: The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren by Gerald Brittle (0)
- 25: Review: How to Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather (0)
- 24: Review: Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt (1)
- 23: October 2016 Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon Wrap-up Post (3)
- 22: October 2016 Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon Update Post! (1)
- 21: Dewey’s October 2016 #Readathon! (0)
- 19: Review: The Women in the Walls by Amy Lukavics (1)
- 18: Audiobook Review: Harvest Home by Thomas Tryon (2)
- 17: Review: And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich (0)
- 13: Review: Children of Eden by Joey Graceffa (0)
- 12: Television Series for Horror/Thriller Fans (0)
- 10: Review: Little Boy Blue (A Helen Grace Thriller) by M.J. Arlidge (0)
- 07: Review: Yesternight by Cat Winters (0)
- 06: Review: Only Daughter by Anna Snoekstra (0)
- 05: Review: Bird Box by Josh Malerman (2)
- 04: Review: Tangled Up in Brew (A Brewing Trouble Mystery) by Joyce Tremel (1)
- 03: Review: The Motion of Puppets by Keith Donohue (3)
- 02: Review: Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire (3)
- 01: Review: The Trespasser by Tana French (1)
September 2016
- 30: 2016 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem! (3)
- 27: Audiobook Review: Daughters Unto Devils by Amy Lukavics (4)
- 22: Review: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake (1)
- 20: Audiobook Review: Cold Moon Over Babylon by Michael McDowell (1)
- 16: Announcing: 2016 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem!! (3)
- 14: Review: Red Right Hand by Chris Holm (0)
- 09: Audiobook Review: The Elementals by Michael McDowell (4)
- 07: Review: The Memory of Things by Gae Polisner (0)
- 06: Audiobook Review: Be Frank With Me by Julia Claiborne Johnson (2)
- 02: R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril XI (4)
- 01: Month in Review: August 2016 (1)
August 2016
- 30: Review: Leave Me by Gayle Forman (3)
- 22: Audiobook Review: The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henríquez (1)
- 19: Fall Book Preview: September 2016, Part II (2)
- 18: Fall Book Preview: September 2016, Part I (1)
- 15: Review: Harmony by Carolyn Parkhurst (2)
- 11: Review: Killfile by Christopher Farnsworth (0)
- 09: Review: Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson (2)
- 08: Review: Behind Closed Doors by B. A. Paris (1)
- 02: Month in Review: July 2016 (0)
- 01: Fall Book Preview: August 2016, Part II (1)
July 2016
- 29: Review: After Anna by Alex Lake (0)
- 28: Fall Book Preview: August 2016, Part I (2)
- 27: Review: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch (1)
- 26: Review: You Will Know Me by Megan Abbott (0)
- 19: Review: Supergirl at Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls) by Lisa Yee (0)
- 14: Review: The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware (2)
- 13: Review: The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone (2)
- 12: Review: The Light of Paris by Eleanor Brown (1)
- 06: Review: All is Not Forgotten by Wendy Walker (3)
June 2016
- 29: Review: A Certain Age by Beatriz Williams (3)
- 27: Review: The Bourbon Thief by Tiffany Reisz (2)
- 24: Summer Book Preview: July 2016, Part III (2)
- 23: Review: Since She Went Away by David Bell (0)
- 22: Summer Book Preview: July 2016, Part II (2)
- 21: Review: Disappearance at Devil’s Rock by Paul Tremblay (1)
- 20: Summer Book Preview: July 2016, Part I (2)
- 16: Review: Before the Fall by Noah Hawley (1)
- 14: Review: He Will Be My Ruin by K.A. Tucker (1)
- 13: Review: If I Forget You by Thomas Christopher Greene (0)
- 09: Review: I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid (3)
- 08: Review: The Girl from the Savoy by Hazel Gaynor (2)
- 06: On Finishing A Favorite Series: The Passage Trilogy (3)
- 02: Review: Hamilton: The Revolution by Lin-Manuel Miranda & Jeremy McCarter (0)
May 2016
- 31: Month in Review: May 2016 (1)
- 25: Review: Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel (2)
- 24: Review: My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix (1)
- 23: Review: The Fireman by Joe Hill (3)
- 20: #BEA16 Wrapup: Harper Collins Summer/Fall Book Preview Part II (1)
- 18: Review: Girls on Fire by Robin Wasserman (3)
- 17: #BEA16 Wrapup: Harper Collins Summer/Fall Book Preview Part I (1)
- 16: #BEA16 Wrap-up: Book Club Recommendations (2)
- 11: Review: Wilde Lake by Laura Lippman (3)
- 09: The Best of Jenn’s Bookshelves: BEA 2016 Edition (2)
- 06: Review: Roses and Rot by Kat Howard (1)
- 04: Review: The Secrets of Flight by Maggie Leffler (3)
- 03: Audiobook Review: The Madwoman Upstairs by Catherine Lowell (4)
- 01: Month in Review: April 2016 (1)
April 2016
- 27: Audiobook Review: The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner (3)
- 26: Spring Book Preview: May 2016, Part III (1)
- 25: Spring Book Preview: May 2016, Part II (2)
- 24: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon (April 2016): Wrap-up Post (3)
- 23: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon (April 2016): Update Post (1)
- 22: Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon: April 2016 (2)
- 21: Review: Most Wanted by Lisa Scottoline (2)
- 20: Spring Book Preview: May 2016, Part I (1)
- 19: Review: The Year We Turned Forty by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke (1)
- 18: Review: Wonder Woman at Super Hero High by Lisa Yee (0)
- 15: Review: The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas (0)
- 12: Review: A Murder in Time by Julie McElwain (2)
- 11: Audiobook Review: The Immortals by Jordanna Max Brodsky (0)
- 06: Review: Three-Martini Lunch by Suzanne Rindell (1)
March 2016
- 31: Month in Review: March 2016 (2)
- 29: Review: Lust & Wonder: A Memoir by Augusten Burroughs (1)
- 28: Review: A Place Called Winter by Patrick Gale (1)
- 25: Review: Reader, I Married Him, edited by Tracy Chevalier (2)
- 24: Spring Book Preview: April 2016, Part III (1)
- 23: Spring Book Preview: April 2016, Part II (1)
- 22: Review: Perfectly Broken by Robert Burke Warren (2)
- 21: Spring Book Preview: April 2016, Part I (1)
- 18: Review: Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye (3)
- 14: Review: The Crooked Heart of Mercy by Billie Livingston (2)
- 11: Review: The Invisible Guardian by Dolores Redondo (1)
- 09: On Celebrating 8 (!!) Years of Blogging (13)
- 08: Review: Fall of Poppies: Stories of Love and the Great War (5)
- 07: Audiobook Review: Trust No One: X-Files, Book 1 (1)
- 02: Review: Free Men by Katy Simpson Smith (2)
- 01: A Month in Review: February, 2016 (1)
February 2016
- 29: Review: A Disguise to Die For: A Costume Shop Mystery by Diane Vallere (2)
- 25: Review: Ginny Gall by Charlie Smith (2)
- 23: Review: The Passenger by Lisa Lutz (2)
- 22: DNF: The Good Liar by Nicholas Searle (5)
- 21: Spring Book Preview: March 2016, Part III (3)
- 19: Spring Book Preview: March 2016, Part II (1)
- 18: Spring Book Preview: March 2016, Part I (2)
- 17: Review: Girl Through Glass by Sari Wilson (2)
- 16: Review: Flight of Dreams by Ariel Lawhon (1)
- 11: Review: The Ex by Alafair Burke (2)
- 10: Review: Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys (0)
- 09: 2016 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Post-Game (0)
- 08: Review: The Ramblers by Aidan Donnelley Rowley (2)
- 07: 2016 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Half-Time (2)
- 07: 2016 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Mini-Challenge (1)
- 07: 2016 Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: The Kick-off! (3)
- 06: 2016 The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Pre-game (0)
- 05: Audiobook Review: A Step Toward Falling by Cammie McGovern (0)
- 04: Review: The Evening Spider by Emily Arsenault (1)
- 03: Review: Missing Pieces by Heather Gudenkauf (1)
- 02: Review: The Big Rewind by Libby Cudmore (2)
January 2016
- 31: Month in Review: January 2016 (1)
- 29: Review: The Golden Son by Shilpi Somaya Gowda (2)
- 27: The Big Game’s On Read-a-Thon: 2016 Edition (2)
- 20: Review: The Guest Room by Chris Bohjalian (2)
- 19: Winter Book Preview: February 2016, Part II (2)
- 18: Winter Book Preview: February, 2016 (4)
- 14: Review: The Past by Tessa Hadley (2)
- 12: Review: Beside Myself by Ann Morgan (2)
- 11: Review: After the Crash by Michel Bussi (1)
- 06: Book Club Discussion: Favorites of 2015 (2)
- 04: Review: Only Love Can Break Your Heart by Ed Tarkington (3)
- 03: Month in Review: December 2015 (0)
- 01: Best of 2015: Suspense/Thriller (2)
December 2015
- 31: Best of 2015: Fiction (1)
- 30: Best of 2015: Books That Gave Me All the Feels (2)
- 29: Best of 2015: Audiobooks (2)
- 28: Best of 2015: Historical Fiction (4)
- 18: Winter Book Preview: January 2016, Part III (1)
- 17: Winter Book Preview: January 2016 Part II (0)
- 16: Winter Book Preview: January 2016, Part I (1)
- 14: Audiobook Review: Career of Evil (Cormoran Strike Novels) by Robert Galbraith (1)
- 09: Review: The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum (0)
- 07: Review: A Dictionary of Mutual Understanding by Jackie Copleton (0)
- 06: Review: Plantation Shudders: A Cajun Country Mystery by Ellen Bryon (1)
- 03: Review: To Brew or Not to Brew: A Brewing Trouble Mystery by Joyce Tremel (1)
- 02: Review: Books Can Be Deceiving (A Library Lover’s Mystery) by Jenn McKinlay (1)
- 01: Review: Suede to Rest (A Material Witness Mystery) by Diane Vallere (0)
November 2015
- 30: 2015 Cozy Mystery Week (0)
- 29: 2015 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Wrap-up Post (1)
- 28: 2015 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Three (2)
- 27: Thankfully Reading Weekend Day Two: What Book Are You Most Thankful For? (4)
- 26: 2015 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day One! (1)
- 25: 2015 Thankfully Reading Weekend: The Kick-Off! (4)
- 19: Review: The Edge of Lost by Kristina McMorris (0)
- 16: Review: Strange Girl by Christopher Pike (0)
- 12: Review: Along the Infinite Sea by Beatriz Williams (2)
- 05: Fall Book Preview: November 2015, Part II (1)
- 04: Fall Book Preview: November 2015, Part I (2)
- 01: TSS: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2015 (9)
October 2015
- 31: 2015 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Wrap-Up (0)
- 29: Guest Review: Guys Read: Terrifying Tales (2)
- 28: Review: The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall by Katie Alender (0)
- 26: Review: Brother by Ania Ahlborn (1)
- 25: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Discussion Post: Halloween Traditions (2)
- 23: Review: Maplecroft by Cherie Priest (0)
- 21: Review: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell (4)
- 20: Review: Asylum #3: Catacomb by Madeleine Roux (0)
- 19: Review: Mary: Unleashed by Hillary Monahan (0)
- 17: Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon (October 2015): Update Post (2)
- 16: Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon: October 2015 (0)
- 13: Comic Book Review: Survivors’ Club # 1 (Vertigo Comics) (0)
- 12: Review: The Vampire Combat Field Guide: A Coloring and Activity Book For Fighting the Bloodthirsty Undead by Roger Ma (0)
- 10: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Discussion Post: Favorite Villains (1)
- 09: Review: Nightfall by Jake Halpern and Peter Kujawinski (2)
- 08: Review: Everything She Forgot by Lisa Ballantyne (0)
- 07: Audio Production: Locke & Key by Joe Hill (illustrated by Gabriel Rodriguez) (0)
- 06: Audio book Review: The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich (3)
- 05: Review: Pop Goes the Weasel: A Detective Helen Grace Thriller by M. J. Arlidge (3)
- 04: Month in Review: September 2015 (1)
- 03: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Discussion Post: Most Terrifying Movie Scene (8)
- 02: Review: Wonderland by Jennifer Hillier (4)
- 01: Review: Scream: Chilling Adventures in the Science of Fear by Margee Kerr (0)
September 2015
- 30: 2015 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem! (0)
- 29: Review: After You by Jojo Moyes (3)
- 28: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: RUNAWAYS by Noelle Stevenson (Art by Sanford Greene) (0)
- 22: Review: Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan, Deborah Biancotti (2)
- 21: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Prez by Mark Russell (art by Ben Caldwell) (0)
- 15: Review: Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy (1)
- 09: Review: The Killing Kind by Chris Holm (0)
- 08: Review: The Appearance of Annie Van Sinderen by Katherine Howe (0)
- 07: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Nonplayer by Nate Simpson (0)
- 06: Month in Review: August 2015 (1)
- 04: Review: Andersonville by Edward M. Erdelac (1)
- 03: Review at a Glance: Above the Waterfall by Ron Rash (0)
- 02: Review: Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon (0)
- 01: Vote for the 2015 Murder, Monster & Mayhem Logo! (6)
August 2015
- 31: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Mythic by Phil Hester, John McCrea (0)
- 30: R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril X! (2)
- 26: Review: Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories by R. J. Palacio (0)
- 25: Review: In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware (3)
- 24: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Long Distance by Thom Zahler (0)
- 23: A Week in Review (August 23) (2)
- 22: Fall Book Preview: September 2015, Part III (0)
- 21: In Which ‘Violent Ends’ Evokes a Flurry of Emotions (2)
- 20: Fall Book Preview: September 2015, Part II (1)
- 19: Review: Woman with a Secret by Sophie Hannah (2)
- 18: Fall Book Preview: September 2015, Part I (5)
- 17: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Jem and the Holograms by Kelly Thompson, Sophie Campbell (1)
- 13: Product Review: Storiarts Book Scarf (6)
- 12: Review: The Uninvited by Cat Winters (2)
- 10: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Injection by Warren Ellis (1)
- 05: Review: The Night Sister by Jennifer McMahon (6)
- 03: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Harrow County by Cullen Bunn, Tyler Crook (0)
July 2015
- 31: Month in Review: July 2015 (0)
- 30: Review: Coming of Age at the End of Days by Alice LaPlante (2)
- 28: Reading through Comics, Alphabetically: Ghosted by Joshua Williamson (0)
- 27: Review: The Wonder of All Things by Jason Mott (2)
- 24: Fall Book Preview: August, 2015 (6)
- 22: Review: Tomorrow War: The Chronicles of Max [Redacted] by J. L. Bourne (1)
- 21: Review: Ana of California by Andi Teran (0)
- 20: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Feathers by Jorge Corona (0)
- 15: Audiobook Review: None of the Above by I. W. Gregorio (0)
- 13: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Ei8ht by Rafael Albuquerque, Mike Johnson (0)
- 10: Review: The Fraud by Brad Parks (0)
- 06: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Descender by Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen (1)
- 03: Review: Signal by Patrick Lee (0)
- 01: Giveaway: Compulsion by Martina Boone (Prize Pack!) (0)
June 2015
- 30: Month in Review: June 2015 (0)
- 29: Reading through Comics, Alphabetically: Chrononauts by Mark Millar & Sean Gordon Murphy (0)
- 26: Review: The Wrong Man by Kate White (0)
- 25: Summer Book Preview: July 2015, Part II (1)
- 24: Summer Book Preview: July 2015, Part I (2)
- 23: Review: The President’s Shadow by Brad Meltzer (1)
- 22: Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Broken World by Frank J. Barbiere (1)
- 19: Review: Love May Fail by Matthew Quick (3)
- 16: Review: Tiny Little Thing by Beatriz Williams (5)
- 15: Reading through Comics, Alphabetically: Alex + Ada by Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn (1)
- 12: Review: Eeny Meeny by M J Arlidge (3)
- 10: Review: Day Four by Sarah Lotz (3)
- 08: Review: Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella (7)
- 05: Review: A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul G. Tremblay (3)
- 03: Review: Finders Keepers by Stephen King (2)
May 2015
- 31: Month in Review: May 2015 (6)
- 25: The Best of Jenn’s Bookshelves: BEA 2015 Edition (0)
- 22: Graphic Novel Review: Nimona by Noelle Stevenson (3)
- 19: Summer Book Preview: June 2015, Part II (0)
- 18: Summer Book Preview: June 2015, Part I (5)
- 15: Review: The Ice Twins by S. K. Tremayne (4)
- 13: Review: How to Start a Fire by Lisa Lutz (0)
- 11: Review: Things You’ve Inherited From Your Mother by Hollie Adams (5)
- 08: On Finding Not One…Not Two…But A Multitude of Comic Book Stores (0)
- 06: Review: The Mapmaker’s Children by Sarah McCoy (2)
- 04: Review: The House of Hawthorne by Erika Robuck (1)
- 01: Graphic Novel Review: Exquisite Corpse by Pénélope Bagieu (1)
April 2015
- 30: Month in Review: April 2015 (2)
- 28: Review: The Blondes by Emily Schultz (2)
- 25: Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon, April 2015! (3)
- 24: Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon, April 2015: The Prep (1)
- 22: Review: The Great Zoo of China by Matthew Reilly (5)
- 21: Spring Book Preview: May 2015, Part II (2)
- 20: Spring Book Preview: May 2015 Part I (2)
- 15: Review: Find Me by Laura van den Berg (1)
- 14: Giveaway Winner! Every Fifteen Minutes By Lisa Scottoline (4)
- 13: Review: The Bullet by Mary Louise Kelly (2)
- 09: Review: The Red Notebook by Antoine Laurain (2)
- 06: Review: The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne (0)
March 2015
- 31: Month in Review: March 2015 (2)
- 29: TSS: On Getting Away (9)
- 28: Review: Through the Woods by Emily Carroll (1)
- 27: A Day in the Life…. (21)
- 26: Review: At the Water’s Edge by Sara Gruen (2)
- 25: On Organizing Thy Comic Inventory (Part II)! (5)
- 24: On Organizing Thy Comic Inventory (Part 1)! (2)
- 23: Spring Book Preview: April 2015, Part II (0)
- 22: Spring Book Preview: April 2015, Part I (8)
- 20: Review: The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma (2)
- 18: Review: Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum (4)
- 16: Review: The Precious One by Marisa De Los Santos (0)
- 12: Review: What Stands in a Storm: Three Days in the Worst Superstorm to Hit the South’s Tornado Alley by Kim Cross (1)
- 10: Review: Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman (4)
- 09: 7th Anniversary Special: Looking Forward (17)
- 05: Review: Miramont’s Ghost by Elizabeth Hall (0)
- 03: On Finding a Family Comic Book Store (Or, What Not to Do to Customers) (3)
- 01: Month in Review: February 2015 (4)
February 2015
- 26: Review: Finding Jake by Bryan Reardon (3)
- 25: Spring Book Preview: March 2015, Part V (2)
- 23: A Day in the Life of a Book Reviewer: Bullying in Blogging (16)
- 23: Review: Seraphina by Rachel Hartman (4)
- 22: Spring Book Preview: March 2015, Part IV (2)
- 20: Spring Book Preview: March 2015, Part III (3)
- 19: Spring Book Preview: March 2015, Part II (4)
- 18: Spring Book Preview: March 2015, Part I (3)
- 17: Review: The Reluctant Midwife (A Hope River Novel) by Patricia Harman (3)
- 12: A Day in the Life of a Book Reviewer: Scheduling Book Reviews (7)
- 10: Review: Crazy Love You by Lisa Unger (4)
- 06: Review: The Damned by Andrew Pyper (3)
- 04: Book Club Discussion: Favorites of 2014 (2)
- 02: Month in Review: January 2015 (3)
January 2015
- 26: Review: One Step Too Far by Tina Seskis (4)
- 25: TSS: A Day In The Life of A Book Reviewer: Book Mail! (14)
- 23: Winter Book Preview: February 2015, Part II (5)
- 22: Winter Book Preview: February 2015, Part 1 (5)
- 20: Review: Etta and Otto and Russell and James by Emma Hooper (6)
- 14: Review: The Resurrection of Tess Blessing by Lesley Kagen (1)
- 12: Review: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (9)
- 11: Product Review: Evernote Triangle Commuter Bag (17)
- 05: Review: A Second Bite at the Apple by Dana Bate (3)
- 01: A Month in Review (December 2015)/Looking Forward to 2015 (3)
December 2014
- 31: Review: Things Half in Shadow by Alan Finn (2)
- 29: Review: Before I Go by Colleen Oakley (2)
- 28: Winter Book Preview: January 2015, Part III (3)
- 27: Winter Book Preview: January 2015, Part II (2)
- 26: Winter Book Preview: January 2015, Part I (4)
- 22: Review: Save Me by Kristyn Kusek Lewis (2)
- 19: A Year In Review: Shining Stars (5)
- 18: Review: Woman with a Gun by Phillip Margolin (4)
- 17: A Year in Review: Series Favorites of 2014 (1)
- 16: Review: The Unimaginable by Dina Silver (0)
- 15: A Year in Review: Horror/Thriller Favorites of 2014 (9)
- 14: 2014 Cozy Mystery Week Wrap-Up (2)
- 12: Review: Home of the Braised (White House Chef Mystery) by Julie Hyzy (2)
- 11: Review: The Silence of the Llamas (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries) by Anne Canadeo (0)
- 10: Review: By Cook or by Crook (Five-Ingredient Mysteries) by Maya Corrigan (0)
- 09: Review: Paging the Dead (Family History Mystery) by Brynn Bonner (1)
- 08: Review: Murder at the Book Group by Maggie King (3)
- 07: 2014 Cozy Mystery Week: The Kick Off (5)
- 04: Product Review: Samsung Galaxy Tab® 4 NOOK® 7.0 (1)
- 02: A Month in Review: November 2014 (1)
November 2014
- 30: 2014 Thankfully Reading Weekend: The Wrap-UP (2)
- 29: 2014 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Three (0)
- 28: Thankfully Reading Weekend Day 2: What Book Are You Most Thankful For This Year? (5)
- 26: 2014 Thankfully Reading Weekend: The Kick-off! (1)
- 25: Review: The Voices by F.R. Tallis (4)
- 24: Review: The Heart Does Not Grow Back by Fred Venturini (1)
- 20: Winter Book Preview: December, 2014 (2)
- 19: Review: Brutal Youth by Anthony Breznican (2)
- 17: Review: Compulsion by Martina Boone (0)
- 16: Blogger 911: I Was Hacked (15)
- 14: Reflections: Revival by Stephen King (8)
- 13: Introducing 2014 Cozy Mystery Week! (8)
- 10: Review: First Impressions: A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected Love, and Jane Austen by Charlie Lovett (3)
- 07: Frightful Friday: Zombie Fallout by Mark Tufo (1)
- 06: Review: The Remedy for Love by Bill Roorbach (2)
- 02: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2014 (21)
October 2014
- 31: 2014 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Wrap-up! (0)
- 30: Review: The Art of Eating Through the Zombie Apocalypse: A Cookbook and Culinary Survival Guide by Lauren Wilson (3)
- 29: Review: The House of Small Shadows by Adam Nevill (1)
- 28: Vote for the Scariest Ghost Story! (0)
- 27: Review: Of Monsters and Madness by Jessica Verday (2)
- 26: Week in Review: October 26, 2014 (1)
- 23: Review: A Vision of Fire by Gillian Anderson & Jeff Rovin (3)
- 22: Review: The Penguin Book of Witches, edited by Katherine Howe (3)
- 21: Audiobook Review: Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes (2)
- 20: Review: Sanctum by Madeleine Roux (2)
- 17: Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon: October 2014 (11)
- 15: Review: Eat Him If You Like by Jean Teulé (3)
- 14: Review: Red Hill by Jamie McGuire (5)
- 13: Review: Dr. Mütter’s Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine by Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz (3)
- 12: TSS: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Week 2 Wrap-Up (1)
- 10: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Contest: Do You Believe in Ghosts? (5)
- 09: Review: The Doubt Factory by Paolo Bacigalupi (0)
- 08: Review: Locke & Key, Vol. 1: Welcome to Lovecraft by Joe Hill (3)
- 07: Audiobook Review: Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King (5)
- 06: #Mx3 Review: Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle by George Hagen (1)
- 05: TSS: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Week 1 Wrap-Up (2)
- 03: #Mx3 Review: The Boy Who Drew Monsters by Keith Donohue (6)
- 02: #Mx3 Review: No Time to Die by Kira Peikoff (1)
- 01: Mx3 Review: Brood by Chase Novak (1)
September 2014
- 30: A Month in Review: September 2014 (3)
- 29: Review: Party Games: A Fear Street Novel by R. L. Stine (3)
- 26: Frightful Friday: Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix (7)
- 25: Fall Book Preview: October 2014, Part III (2)
- 24: Fall Book Preview: October 2014, Part II (1)
- 23: Fall Book Preview: October 2014, Part I (3)
- 18: Gone Girl Film Release Giveaway! (36)
- 17: Review: A Deadly Wandering: A Tale of Tragedy and Redemption in the Age of Attention by Matt Richtel (0)
- 15: Review: Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld (2)
- 14: TSS: Week in Review: September 14, 2014 (2)
- 12: Review: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel (5)
- 11: Announcing: 2014 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem (Mx3)! (11)
- 09: Guest Review: The Islands at the End of the World by Austin Aslan (2)
- 08: Review: Mary: The Summoning by Hillary Monahan (2)
- 04: Review: The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith (Audiobook) (1)
- 03: Review: Hold the Dark by William Giraldi (0)
- 02: Review: The Secret Place by Tana French (5)
August 2014
- 31: TSS: A Month in Review: August 2014 (2)
- 29: Frightful Friday: Keep Your Friends Close by Paula Daly (2)
- 26: Review: Sisters by Raina Telgemeier (3)
- 24: TSS: Booktopia Asheville #BooktopiaAVL (3)
- 20: Fall Book Preview: September, 2014, Part III (3)
- 19: Fall Book Preview: September, 2014, Part II (3)
- 18: Fall Book Preview: September, 2014, Part I (4)
- 15: Frightful Friday: Conversion by Katherine Howe (4)
- 13: Review: Liv, Forever by Amy Talkington (Audiobook) (1)
- 12: Review: Dear Daughter by Elizabeth Little (3)
- 08: Review: The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero (1)
- 05: Guest Post: Stacey Graham, Author of Haunted Stuff: Demonic Dolls, Screaming Skulls & Other Creepy Collectibles (3)
- 04: Review: Haunted Stuff: Demonic Dolls, Screaming Skulls & Other Creepy Collectibles by Stacey Graham (2)
- 01: A Month in Review: July 2014 (3)
July 2014
- 31: Review: A Better World by Marcus Sakey (3)
- 30: Review: This Is the Water by Yannick Murphy (4)
- 28: Joint Review/Discussion: The Young World by Chris Weitz (2)
- 27: Week in Review: July 27, 2014 (1)
- 25: Review: The Good Girl by Mary Kubica (2)
- 23: Review: The Word Exchange by Alena Graedon (Audiobook) (3)
- 22: Summer Book Preview: August 2014, Part II (7)
- 21: Summer Book Preview: August 2014, Part I (2)
- 17: Introducing: Subscriber Bonus! Monthly Giveaway! (1)
- 16: Review: The Book of Life (All Souls Trilogy #3) by Deborah Harkness (1)
- 14: Review: World of Trouble (Last Policeman #03) by Ben Winters (1)
- 13: TSS: A Week in Review (3)
- 11: Frightful Friday: The Butcher by Jennifer Hillier (2)
- 09: Review: The Competition by Marcia Clark (4)
- 07: Review: Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands by Chris Bohjalian (3)
- 03: Review: Grand Central: Original Stories of Postwar Love and Reunion (8)
- 01: Review: The Girl with All the Gifts by M. R. Carey (2)
June 2014
- 29: A Month in Review: June 2014 (2)
- 27: Review: The String Diaries by Stephen Lloyd Jones (1)
- 26: Summer Shorts ’14 Blog Hop: The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe (2)
- 25: Review: Eyes on You by Kate White (5)
- 23: Summer Book Preview: July 2014, Part II (3)
- 22: Summer Book Preview: July 2014, Part I (7)
- 18: Review: All Day and a Night by Alafair Burke (2)
- 17: Review: Never Look Back by Clare Donoghue (1)
- 16: June is Audiobook Month Giveaway! (1)
- 13: Review: The Fever by Megan Abbott (7)
- 12: Review: A Long Time Gone by Karen White (4)
- 11: Review: The Death of Lucy Kyte by Nicola Upson (2)
- 09: Review: The Ways of the Dead by Neely Tucker (0)
- 08: TSS: A Week in Review (June 8) (7)
- 05: Review: Robogenesis by Daniel H. Wilson (2)
- 03: Review: A Replacement Life by Boris Fishman (4)
- 02: Review: Suspicion by Joseph Finder (1)
- 01: TSS: A Month in Review: May 2014 (2)
May 2014
- 27: BEA Bound 2014: The Best of Jenn’s Bookshelves (5)
- 26: Review: The Secret Life of Violet Grant by Beatriz Williams (2)
- 24: Summer Book Preview: June 2014, Part III (1)
- 23: Summer Book Preview: June 2014, Part II (3)
- 22: Summer Book Preview: June 2014, Part I (8)
- 21: Review: Closed Doors by Lisa O’Donnell (5)
- 20: Review: Suffer the Children by Craig DiLouie (7)
- 19: Review: The Three by Sarah Lotz (7)
- 14: Review: Remember Me Like This by Bret Anthony Johnston (5)
- 12: Review: The Hollow Ground by Natalie S. Harnett (4)
- 09: Frightful Friday: By Any Means by Chris Culver (1)
- 07: Review: The Book of You by Claire Kendal (8)
- 05: Review: Desperate by Daniel Palmer (3)
- 02: A Month in Review: April 2014 (1)
- 01: Review: The Blessings by Elise Juska (2)
April 2014
- 29: Review: The Confabulist by Steven Galloway (0)
- 28: Short Review: The Way We Fall & The Lives We Lost by Megan Crewe (1)
- 27: Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon: April 2014 Wrap-Up (4)
- 26: Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon: April 2014 (11)
- 24: Spring Book Preview: May 2014, Part III (3)
- 23: Spring Book Preview: May 2014, Part II (6)
- 22: Spring Book Preview: May 2014, Part I (1)
- 21: Femme Fatale Interview: Kate Rhodes (A Killing of Angels, Crossbones Yard) (1)
- 20: TSS: A Week in Review (1)
- 18: Review: Everything to Lose by Andrew Gross (1)
- 16: Review: The Girl Who Came Home: A Novel of the Titanic by Hazel Gaynor (6)
- 15: Review: The Island of Doves by Kelly O’Connor McNees (2)
- 11: Frightful Friday: Code Zero: A Joe Ledger Novel by Jonathan Maberry (Audiobook) (3)
- 10: Review: Blood Always Tells by Hilary Davidson (2)
- 09: Review: Under a Silent Moon by Elizabeth Haynes (1)
- 08: Review: Until You’re Mine by Samantha Hayes (4)
- 07: Review: Black Chalk by Christopher J. Yates (7)
- 04: Review: The Remedy by Thomas Goetz (5)
- 02: Thank you, Cara Hoffman (Be Safe I Love You) (8)
March 2014
- 31: Review: The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin (7)
- 30: TSS: A Month in Review: March 2014 (6)
- 28: Frightful Friday: Runner by Patrick Lee (2)
- 26: Review: Mind of Winter by Laura Kasischke (6)
- 24: Review: The Deepest Secret by Carla Buckley (3)
- 20: Spring Book Preview: April 2014, Part II (1)
- 19: Spring Book Preview: April 2014 (6)
- 18: Review: The Revenant of Thraxton Hall: The Paranormal Casebooks of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by Vaughn Entwistle (2)
- 14: Audiobook Review: The Bear by Claire Cameron (7)
- 11: Review: The Weight of Blood by Laura McHugh (3)
- 10: Audiobook Review: While Beauty Slept by Elizabeth Blackwell (2)
- 09: TSS: Anniversary Special: Pros & Cons of Blogging (17)
- 07: Frightful Friday: The Seeker by R. B. Chesterton (2)
- 06: The Revitalization of Femme Fatale (6)
- 05: Review: The Accident by Chris Pavone (2)
- 03: Review: Above by Isla Morley (9)
- 01: A Month in Review: February 2014 (3)
February 2014
- 28: Frightful Friday: The Troop by Nick Cutter (2)
- 27: Review: After I’m Gone by Laura Lippman (4)
- 26: Review: A Killing of Angels by Kate Rhodes (4)
- 24: Review: The Headmaster’s Wife by Thomas Christopher Greene (6)
- 23: TSS: Week in Review (4)
- 19: Spring Book Preview: March 2014, Part II (5)
- 18: Review: Fallen Beauty by Erika Robuck (3)
- 17: Spring Book Preview: March 2014, Part I (2)
- 16: TSS: A Week in Review (3)
- 14: Frightful Friday: Snowblind by Christopher Golden (2)
- 12: Review: The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon (8)
- 11: Review: The Good Luck of Right Now by Matthew Quick (5)
- 10: Review: The Martian by Andy Weir (7)
- 05: Book Club Discussion: Labor Day by Joyce Maynard (7)
- 03: A Month in Review: January 2014 (1)
January 2014
- 29: Review: Ripper by Isabel Allende (10)
- 27: Review: Cocaine Blues (Phryne Fisher Mysteries) by Kerry Greenwood (4)
- 24: Review: Stumptown Volume 1 by Greg Rucka (4)
- 22: Review: Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus (6)
- 20: Winter Book Preview: February 2014, Part II (5)
- 19: TSS: Winter Book Preview: February 2014, Part I (10)
- 17: Frightful Friday: Mayhem by Sarah Pinborough (0)
- 15: Review: What I Had Before I Had You by Sarah Cornwell (7)
- 13: Mini-Review: Ex-Purgatory by Peter Clines (2)
- 08: Book Club Discussion: Favorite Books of 2013 (7)
- 06: Review: The Kept by James Scott (9)
- 05: TSS: A Week in Review (3)
- 03: Review: Return to Tradd Street by Karen White (6)
- 01: A Year in Review: 2013 (7)
December 2013
- 31: Review: Starter House by Sonja Condit (4)
- 30: Review: The Descent by Alma Katsu (3)
- 20: Winter Book Preview: January 2014 Part II (5)
- 19: Winter Book Preview: January 2014, Part I (4)
- 16: Review: Rise Again Below Zero by Ben Tripp (1)
- 15: TSS: Week in Review (2)
- 11: A Special Holiday Giveaway: GoneReading Gift Certificate (20)
- 10: Review: The Sowing by K. Makansi (5)
- 09: Review: Rustication by Charles Palliser (3)
- 08: TSS: Wrapping up Cozy Mystery Week! (1)
- 07: Cozy Mystery Week: The Thrill of the Haunt (Haunted Guesthouse Mysteries) by E. J. Copperman (0)
- 05: Cozy Mystery Week: Witch Way To Murder by Shirley Damsgaard (1)
- 04: Cozy Mystery Week:How to Murder a Millionaire: A Blackbird Sisters Mystery by Nancy Martin (0)
- 03: Cozy Mystery Week Day 2: Rosemary and Crime by Gail Oust (1)
- 02: Kicking Off Cozy Mystery Week: Family Skeleton Series by Leigh Perry (2)
- 01: 2013 Thankfully Reading Weekend: The Wrap-Up (5)
November 2013
- 30: 2013 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day 3 (0)
- 29: 2013 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day 2 (1)
- 28: 2013 Thankfully Reading Weekend: The Kickoff (4)
- 26: Review: Speak of the Devil by Allison Leotta (0)
- 21: Review: Adé: A Love Story by Rebecca Walker (3)
- 19: Review: Cut to the Bone: A Body Farm Novel by Jefferson Bass (1)
- 18: Audiobook Review: Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy (1)
- 14: Review: Rising Sun, Falling Shadow by Daniel Kalla (2)
- 12: Review: Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson (3)
- 11: Introducing Cozy Mystery Week 2013 (6)
- 10: TSS: Week in Review (0)
- 07: Review: Death Overdue by Mary Lou Kirwin (1)
- 05: Review: The Whole Golden World by Kristina Riggle (1)
- 04: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2013 (11)
- 03: 2013 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Wrap-Up (1)
- 02: #Mx3 Guest Post: The First Book to Terrify Me (The House with a Clock in Its Walls by John Bellairs) (4)
- 01: Mother & Son Book Club: The Real Boy by Anne Ursu Discussion Part One (2)
October 2013
- 31: #Mx3 Guest Post: The First Book to Terrify Me (Pet Sematary by Stephen King) (4)
- 30: Guest Review: Desmond Pucket Makes Monster Magic by Mark Tatulli (0)
- 29: #Mx3 Guest Post: The First Book To Terrify Me (A Clockwork Orange and Nineteen Eighty-Four) (3)
- 28: #Mx3 Review: The Waking Dark by Robin Wasserman (2)
- 27: Murder Monsters & Mayhem: Week 4 Wrap-Up (0)
- 25: #Mx3 Review: Suburban Legends: True Tales of Murder, Mayhem, and Minivans by Sam Stall (3)
- 24: Mx3 Guest Post: The First Book To Terrify Me (The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood) (10)
- 23: #Mx3 Review: Delia’s Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer (3)
- 22: #Mx3 Guest Post: The First Book That Terrified Me (.44 by Jimmy Breslin and Dick Schaap) (4)
- 21: #Mx3 Review: Parasite by Mira Grant (2)
- 20: Murder Monsters & Mayhem: Week 3 Wrap-Up (0)
- 18: #Mx3 Review: The Raven’s Gift by Don Rearden (6)
- 17: #Mx3 Guest Post: The First Book That Terrified Me (Skeleton Crew by Stephen King) (5)
- 16: Mx3 Review: Asylum by Madeleine Roux (2)
- 15: Mx3 Guest Post: The First Book That Terrified You (Salem’s Lot by Stephen King) (5)
- 14: #Mx3 Review: The Red Queen Dies by Frankie Y. Bailey (4)
- 13: TSS: 2013 Murder Monsters & Mayhem: Week 2 Wrap-Up (0)
- 12: Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon: October 2013 (5)
- 11: #Mx3 Review: A Cold Season by Alison Littlewood (7)
- 09: Mx3 Guest Post: The Book That First Terrified You (The Books of Blood by Clive Barker) (4)
- 08: Mx3 Review: This House Is Haunted by John Boyne (9)
- 07: Mx3 Review: Allison Hewitt Is Trapped: A Zombie Novel by Madeleine Roux (3)
- 06: 2013 Murder Monsters & Mayhem: Week 1 Wrap-Up (2)
- 04: Mx3 Review: Day One By Nate Kenyon (2)
- 03: Mx3 Review: Doctor Sleep by Stephen King (Audiobook) (6)
- 02: Mx3 Guest Post: The First Book that Terrified You -IT by Stephen King (6)
- 01: Mx3 2013: The Kick-Off! (2)
September 2013
- 30: Review: Cartwheel by Jennifer Dubois (3)
- 24: Mother & Son Book Club: Debut Selection Announcement (2)
- 22: TSS: A Week In Review (2)
- 18: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: Guys Read: Other Worlds by Jon Scieszka (1)
- 17: Guest Post: D.J. MacHale (Guys Read: Other Worlds) (0)
- 16: Bookish Ramblings: Rights as a Reader/Reviewer (16)
- 15: TSS: Review: Rivers by Michael Farris Smith (3)
- 13: Frightful Friday: Ode to Stephen King’s The Shining (7)
- 11: Review: The Book of Someday by Dianne Dixon (4)
- 09: Review: Help for the Haunted by John Searles (3)
- 08: TSS: Week in Review (3)
- 06: Frightful Friday: The Edge of Normal by Carla Norton (1)
- 05: Introducing: Mother & Son Book Club (18)
- 04: Review: Lexicon by Max Barry (1)
- 01: TSS: A Month in Review: August 2013 (4)
August 2013
- 30: Bookish Ramblings: How Setting Influences Your Reading Experience (10)
- 28: R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril, VIII (7)
- 26: Review: The Returned by Jason Mott (5)
- 25: TSS: Fall Preview: October 2013 (8)
- 24: Fall Preview: September 2013 (6)
- 22: Review: Troubled Daughters, Twisted Wives: Stories from the Trailblazers of Domestic Suspense by Sarah Weinman (4)
- 19: Review: Night Film by Marisha Pessl (5)
- 18: TSS: A Week in Review (1)
- 16: Frightful Friday: Human Remains by Elizabeth Haynes (3)
- 15: Review: Let Me Go by Chelsea Cain (2)
- 14: Operation: Scare Me! (8)
- 12: Review: Son of a Gun by Justin St. Germain (4)
- 09: Frightful Friday: Save Yourself by Kelly Braffet (7)
- 08: Review: Multiple Exposure: A Sophie Medina Mystery by Ellen Crosby (1)
- 05: Gearing Up For Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: 2013! (6)
- 04: TSS: The Black Widow Club by Hilary Davidson (6)
- 02: Frightful Friday: The Wicked Girls by Alex Marwood (3)
- 01: A Month in Review: July 2013 Edition (18)
July 2013
- 31: Review: A Tap on the Window by Linwood Barclay (4)
- 29: Review: Drift by Jon McGoran (3)
- 26: Frightful Friday: The Big Reap by Chris F. Holm (2)
- 23: Review: The Last Camellia by Sarah Jio (4)
- 22: Review: Big Girl Panties by Stephanie Evanovich (5)
- 19: Frightful Friday: World War Z: The Complete Edition: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks (3)
- 17: Review: The Never List by Koethi Zan (8)
- 16: Review: Countdown City by Ben H. Winters (7)
- 15: Review: The Exiles by Allison Lynn (2)
- 10: Review: Close My Eyes by Sophie McKenzie (4)
- 09: Review: Whistling Past the Graveyard by Susan Crandall (3)
- 08: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 02: Review: Tampa by Alissa Nutting (10)
- 01: A Month in Review: June 2013 (3)
June 2013
- 28: Frightful Friday: The Demonologist by Andrew Pyper (1)
- 27: Review: The Last Original Wife by Dorothea Benton Frank (5)
- 25: Review: The Illusion of Separateness by Simon Van Booy (11)
- 24: Review: The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells by Andrew Sean Greer (2)
- 24: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 21: My Latest Obsession: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (13)
- 19: Review: Death of the Demon by Anne Holt (4)
- 18: Guest Post & Giveaway: Ania Szado, Author of Studio Saint-Ex (2)
- 17: Review: Studio Saint-Ex by Ania Szado (3)
- 14: Frightful Friday: Joyland by Stephen King (4)
- 12: Review: The Execution of Noa P. Singleton by Elizabeth Silver (4)
- 11: Review: The Registry by Shannon Stoker (3)
- 10: Celebrating June is Audiobook Month! Going Public…In Shorts with Dick Hill (4)
- 05: BEA Bloggers Conference Panel Recap: Taking Your Online Presence Offline (5)
- 04: Review: A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams (5)
- 03: A Month in Review: May 2013 (1)
May 2013
- 27: BEA Bound: The Best of Jenn’s Bookshelves (3)
- 24: Frightful Friday: The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by E. B. Hudspeth (2)
- 22: My Experience: And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini (8)
- 21: Review: Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline (5)
- 20: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 19: Review: Zombie, Illinois by Scott Kenemore (0)
- 17: Frightful Friday: Red Moon by Benjamin Percy (2)
- 15: Review: The World’s Strongest Librarian: A Memoir of Tourette’s, Faith, Strength, and the Power of Family by Josh Hanagarne (1)
- 14: Review: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell (6)
- 13: Mini-Review: Poppet by Mo Hayder (2)
- 13: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 11: Review: Zombie, Ohio: A Tale of the Undead by Scott Kenemore (4)
- 10: Frightful Friday: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey (1)
- 09: Review: The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell (8)
- 08: Review: Porch Lights by Dorothea Benton Frank (3)
- 07: Review: Someday, Someday, Maybe by Lauren Graham (2)
- 06: Review: Maya’s Notebook by Isabel Allende (5)
- 06: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 04: Review: Star Wars:Death Troopers by Joe Schreiber (4)
- 03: Frightful Friday: NOS4A2 by Joe Hill (2)
- 01: Review: We’ve Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children’s March by Cynthia Levinson (3)
April 2013
- 30: A Month in Review: April 2013 (2)
- 29: Review: Stolen by Daniel Palmer (1)
- 29: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 28: Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon: The Wrap-Up (2)
- 27: Spring 2013 24-Hour Readathon Update Post (8)
- 26: 24-Hour Readathon: Spring 2013 (3)
- 26: Frightful Friday: Extinction Machine by Jonathan Maberry (1)
- 24: Kobo Aura HD: Product Review (7)
- 23: Mini-Review: The Killing Hour by Paul Cleave (0)
- 22: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 17: Review: The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope by Rhonda Riley (4)
- 15: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 12: Frightful Friday: Lovecraft Middle School-Professor Gargoyle & The Slither Sisters by Charles Gilman (0)
- 10: Review: Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight (4)
- 09: Review: And Then I Found You by Patti Callahan Henry (0)
- 08: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 05: Frightful Friday: Children of the Underground: The Children of Paranoia Series by Trevor Shane (3)
- 03: Review: No Way Back by Andrew Gross (2)
- 02: Review: There Was an Old Woman by Hallie Ephron (2)
- 01: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
March 2013
- 31: A Month in Review: March 2013 (5)
- 27: Review: The End of the Point by Elizabeth Graver (5)
- 26: Review: The Next Time You See Me by Holly Goddard Jones (4)
- 25: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 20: Review: Six Years by Harlan Coben (4)
- 19: Review: When She Was Gone by Gwendolen Gross (5)
- 18: Review: Rage Against the Dying by Becky Masterman (1)
- 18: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 15: Frightful Friday: Helsinki Blood by James Thompson (2)
- 14: Review: The Burn Palace by Stephen Dobyns (3)
- 13: Audiobook Review: The Fifth Assassin by Brad Meltzer (4)
- 11: Review: The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow by Rita Leganski (5)
- 11: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (2)
- 08: Frightful Friday: Evil in All Its Disguises by Hilary Davidson (0)
- 07: Review: Dark Tide by Elizabeth Haynes (0)
- 05: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: The Fellowship for Alien Detection by Kevin Emerson (0)
- 04: Guest Review: Surfing with Turtles: Bindi Wildlife Adventures by Bindi Irwin (0)
February 2013
- 28: A Month in Review: February 2013 (6)
- 27: Review: The Secret of Nightingale Palace by Dana Sachs (4)
- 26: Review: The Missing Rose by Serdar Ozkan (0)
- 25: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 22: Frightful Friday: Ex-Heroes by Peter Clines (2)
- 21: Review: The Lion Is in by Delia Ephron (3)
- 20: Review: A Future Arrived by Phillip Rock (3)
- 19: Review: Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler (7)
- 18: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 16: Mini-Review: The Good Daughter by Jane Porter (1)
- 15: Frightful Friday: Domino Falls by Steven Barnes & Tananarive Due (1)
- 14: Review: Devil’s Wake by Steven Barnes & Tananarive Due (3)
- 13: Review: The Truth about Love and Lightning by Susan McBride (2)
- 12: Review: Three Graves Full by Jamie Mason (3)
- 11: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 05: Review: Circles of Time by Phillip Rock (2)
- 04: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: MVP Prizes (4)
- 04: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 03: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Half-Time (6)
- 03: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Mini-Challenge #1 (6)
- 03: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: The Kick Off! (13)
- 02: The Big Game’s On Readathon: Pre-Game (1)
- 01: A Month in Review: January 2013 (3)
January 2013
- 31: Review: The Promise of Stardust by Priscille Sibley (4)
- 30: Book Club Discussion: Favorite Books of 2012 (4)
- 28: Review: The Tell by Hester Kaplan (1)
- 28: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (2)
- 25: Frightful Friday: Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales by Yoko Ogawa (7)
- 24: Review: Royal Street by Suzanne Johnson (2)
- 23: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon, 2013 Edition! (15)
- 22: Review: Suspect by Robert Crais (5)
- 21: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 20: TSS: Reading and Recovering! (11)
- 16: Review: Raylan by Elmore Leonard (2)
- 15: Review: The Passing Bells by Phillip Rock (3)
- 14: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 13: TSS: In Which I Succumb to the Flu (6)
- 08: Review: The Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro (12)
- 07: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 04: Frightful Friday: The One I Left Behind by Jennifer McMahon (1)
- 03: Review: Everything Was Good-bye by Gurjinder Basran (2)
- 02: A Month in Review: December 2012 (2)
- 01: A Year in Review: 2012 (11)
December 2012
- 31: Review: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (7)
- 26: Best of 2012 Books: Nonfiction (5)
- 21: Frightful Friday: Safe House by Chris Ewan (3)
- 19: Review: Fonduing Fathers by Julie Hyzy (9)
- 17: Review: Televenge by Pamela King Cable (2)
- 17: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (2)
- 14: Frightful Friday: Edge of Black by J. T. Ellison (2)
- 12: Audio Book Review: Elsewhere by Richard Russo (3)
- 11: Mini-Review & Giveaway: Political Suicide by Michael Palmer (2)
- 10: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 08: Cozy Mystery Week: The Wrap Up! (2)
- 07: Cozy Mystery Week Day Seven: Review-Killer Librarian by Mary Lou Kirwin (3)
- 06: Cozy Mystery Week Day Six: The Coffeehouse Mysteries by Cleo Coyle (3)
- 05: Cozy Mystery Week Day Five: Key West Food Critic Mysteries by Lucy Burdette (2)
- 04: Cozy Mystery Week Day Four: Wishcraft Mysteries by Heather Blake (1)
- 03: Cozy Mystery Week Day Three: Bibliophile Mysteries by Kate Carlisle (3)
- 02: Cozy Mystery Week Day Two: The Haunted Bookshop Mysteries by Alice Kimberly (Cleo Coyle) (7)
- 01: Kicking off Cozy Mystery Week: Julie Hyzy’s White House Chef Series (11)
November 2012
- 30: Frightful Friday: V Wars, edited by Jonathan Maberry (2)
- 29: A Month in Review: November 2012 (1)
- 29: Review: I Am Lucky Bird by Fleur Philips (0)
- 27: Review: The Dark Hour by Robin Burcell (1)
- 26: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 25: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2012: The Wrap-Up (9)
- 24: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2012: Day Three Challenge! (15)
- 23: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2012: Day 2 Challenge (16)
- 22: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2012: The Kickoff (8)
- 21: Review: The Good Woman by Jane Porter (2)
- 20: Small Business Saturday: November 24, 2012 (0)
- 19: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (1)
- 16: Frightful Friday: Never Coming Back by Hans Koppel (0)
- 15: Book Spotlight: The Books They Gave Me: True Stories of Life, Love, and Lit by Jen Adams (1)
- 14: Review: The Trial of Fallen Angels by James Kimmel, Jr. (4)
- 13: Review: Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan (10)
- 12: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 11: Announcing: Cozy Mystery Week- December 1-8, 2012 (17)
- 09: Frightful Friday: The Watcher by Charles Maclean (1)
- 08: Review: Man in the Blue Moon by Michael Morris (1)
- 06: Review: Some Kind of Fairy Tale by Graham Joyce (1)
- 05: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 04: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2012 (33)
- 01: 2012 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Wrap-Up/Month in Review (1)
October 2012
- 31: Mx3 Guest Post: Stacey Graham, author of Girls’ Ghost Hunting Guide (1)
- 30: Mx3 Review: The Girls’ Ghost Hunting Guide by Stacey Graham (2)
- 29: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: Halloween Post Ideas (and Giveaway!) (7)
- 28: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: Week 4 Wrap Up (0)
- 26: Mx3 Review: Small Medium at Large by Joanne Levy (4)
- 25: Mx3 Guest Post: Tamara Thorne Discusses Fear of the Unknown (8)
- 24: Mx3 Review: Horrid Henry’s Monster Movie by Francesca Simon (5)
- 23: Mx3 Review: The Coffee Table Book of Doom by Steven Appleby & Art Lester (3)
- 22: Mx3 Audiobook Review: Zombies: A Record of the Year of Infection by Don Roff and Chris Lane (3)
- 21: Murder Monsters & Mayhem: Week 3 Wrap-Up (0)
- 19: Mx3 Review: All the Lovely Bad Ones by Mary Downing Hahn (3)
- 18: Mx3 Review: Ten by Gretchen McNeil (4)
- 17: Mx3 Review: Dolly-A Ghost Story by Susan Hill (8)
- 16: Guest Review: Trucker Ghost Stories: And Other True Tales of Haunted Highways, Weird Encounters, and Legends of the Road by Annie Wilder (4)
- 15: Mx3 Review: Haunted by James Herbert (3)
- 14: TSS: 2012 Fall 24-Hour Read-a-thon Wrap Up Post (12)
- 13: Fall 2012 24-Hour Read-a-thon Update Post! (10)
- 12: 2012 Murder Monsters & Mayhem: Week 2 Wrap-Up/Link-Up (0)
- 11: Mx3 Review: Red Rain by R.L. Stine (7)
- 10: Author Guest Post: Mary Sharratt, Author of Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard Von Bingen (1)
- 10: Mx3 Review: The Devil I Know by Jackie Barrett (3)
- 09: Review: Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard Von Bingen by Mary Sharratt (3)
- 09: Mx3 Guest Post: Author Alma Katsu Recommends Dark Historicals (4)
- 08: Review: Ghost Town by Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson & Tim Waggoner (2)
- 07: TSS: Preparing for the Readathon! (6)
- 05: 2012 Murder Monsters & Mayhem: Week 1 Wrap-Up/Link-Up (1)
- 04: Mx3 Review: The House that Jack Built by Graham Masterton (1)
- 02: #Mx3 Guest Post: Why Horror by Graham Masterton (2)
- 01: #Mx3 Review: Your House is On Fire, Your Children All Gone by Stefan Kiesbye (4)
- 01: Mx3: The Kick-Off! (0)
September 2012
- 30: A Month in Review: September 2012 (1)
- 28: Frightful Friday: Bad Glass by Richard E. Gropp (6)
- 26: Audio Book Review: The Affair by Lee Child (2)
- 25: Author Marcus Sakey Uses Popularitiy of E-Books to Raise Money to Fight Cancer (2)
- 24: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 21: Frightful Friday: Gravediggers: Mountain of Bones by Christopher Krovatin (3)
- 20: Review: Those We Love the Most by Lee Woodruff (6)
- 18: Review: Black Fridays by Michael Sears (0)
- 17: Review: The Meryl Streep Movie Club by Mia March (7)
- 17: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 13: Review: The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers (7)
- 12: Guest Post: Carrie Macmillan from STELLAA (2)
- 11: Review: Quarantine by John Smolens (6)
- 10: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 09: Mx3 2012 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: The Sign-Up (10)
- 07: Mini-Review: Worth Dying For by Lee Child (Audiobook) (2)
- 06: Review: The Devil in Silver by Victor Lavalle (5)
- 04: Review: Freak by Jennifer Hillier (4)
- 03: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 02: TSS: Fall is Here! (7)
- 01: A Month in Review: August 2012 (3)
August 2012
- 31: Frightful Friday: Breed by Chase Novak (2)
- 30: Review: Hemingway’s Girl by Erika Robuck (2)
- 29: Review: A Killing in the Hills by Julia Keller (4)
- 28: Review: Giving Up the Ghost: A Story about Friendship, 80s Rock, a Lost Scrap of Paper, and What It Means to Be Haunted by Eric Nuzum (4)
- 27: Adventures in Parenting: Top Ten Reasons I Love the First Day of School! (7)
- 27: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 23: Review: The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving by Jonathan Evison (2)
- 21: Update your Feeds! (0)
- 21: Review: Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks (4)
- 20: Review: One Last Thing Before I Go by Jonathan Tropper (3)
- 20: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 17: Review: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce (4)
- 16: Review: The Survivor by Gregg Hurwitz (2)
- 15: Review: Miss Me When I’m Gone by Emily Arsenault (2)
- 14: Review: Shine Shine Shine by Lydia Netzer (5)
- 13: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 09: Review: Dare Me by Megan Abbott (7)
- 08: Review: The Trinity Game by Sean Chercover (2)
- 07: Review: What Happened to My Sister by Elizabeth Flock (7)
- 06: Review: City of Women by David R. Gillham (9)
- 06: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 05: Review: Broken Harbor by Tana French (5)
- 03: Frightful Friday: Kill You Twice by Chelsea Cain (2)
- 02: Review: Charlotte Markham and the House of Darkling by Michael Boccacino (6)
- 01: A Month in Review: July 2012 (3)
July 2012
- 31: Review: A Simple Thing by Kathleen McCleary (3)
- 30: Gearing up For Murder, Monsters & Mayhem! (1)
- 30: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 28: Introducing the Reluctant Readers Road to Recovery Guide & Giveaway! (3)
- 27: Frightful Friday: 172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad (4)
- 26: Review: The Prisoner of Heaven by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (5)
- 25: Review: Ransom River by Meg Gardiner (3)
- 24: Review: Bloodman by Robert Pobi (4)
- 23: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 22: So you want to be a zombie….Here is your chance! (3)
- 21: Giveaway: The Last Policeman by Ben Winters (25)
- 20: Frightful Friday: The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters (2)
- 18: Review: 15 Seconds by Andrew Gross (3)
- 16: Review: The Virgin Cure by Ami McKay (5)
- 16: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 13: Frightful Friday: Long Lankin by Lindsey Barraclough (0)
- 12: Review: This Dark Earth by John Hornor Jacobs (2)
- 10: Review: Saving Ruth by Zoe Fishman (8)
- 09: Review: Jack 1939 by Francine Mathews (2)
- 09: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 08: TSS: Getting Back to Normal (7)
- 06: A Month in Review: June 2012 (3)
- 05: Review: Playing Dead by Julia Heaberlin (3)
- 03: Love is Murder Blog Tour, Featuring Lee Child! (3)
- 02: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
June 2012
- 29: Frightful Friday: One Breath Away by Heather Gudenkauff (1)
- 28: Review: The Girl Below by Bianca Zander (5)
- 27: Review: The Unseen by Katherine Webb (1)
- 26: Audiobook Review: The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice (3)
- 25: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 24: TSS: Celebrating My Birthday…With Books! (9)
- 22: Frightful Friday: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (12)
- 21: Review: The Orphanmaster by Jean Zimmerman (2)
- 20: Review: The Reckoning by Alma Katsu (4)
- 19: Author Event: Daniel Kalla Visits One More Page Books (0)
- 19: Review: The Far Side of the Sky by Daniel Kalla (7)
- 18: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 14: Review: The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker (16)
- 13: BEA Feature Post: A Behind the Scenes Look at eBooks (3)
- 12: Review: Safe Within by Jean Reynolds Page (3)
- 11: Welcome BEA Attendees! (1)
- 11: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 03: TSS: BEA Bound! (10)
May 2012
- 31: A Month in Review: May 2012 (4)
- 30: Review: The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty (11)
- 29: Review: Amped by Daniel H. Wilson (3)
- 28: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (1)
- 27: TSS: Summer is Here! (2)
- 25: Frightful Friday Audiobook Review: I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga (3)
- 24: Review: The Cottage at Glass Beach by Heather Barbieri (3)
- 23: Review: Calling Invisible Women by Jeanne Ray (3)
- 22: Review: Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes (6)
- 21: Zombie Mondays: The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead by Stacey Graham (4)
- 21: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (2)
- 20: TSS: The Power of Women (6)
- 17: Review: In My Father’s Country by Saima Wahab (6)
- 16: Review: I Am Forbidden by Anouk Markovits (5)
- 15: Review: The Testament of Jessie Lamb by Jane Rogers (3)
- 14: Zombie Mondays: The Zombie Autopsies: Secret Notebooks from the Apocalypse by Steven C. Schlozman (3)
- 14: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 13: TSS: Happy Mother’s Day! (7)
- 12: Review: Overseas by Beatriz Williams (2)
- 11: Frightful Friday: The Haunted by Bentley Little (3)
- 10: Going to BEA/BEA Blogger Convention? Let’s Meet Up! (3)
- 10: Review: The Lola Quartet by Emily St. John Mandel (3)
- 09: Review: So Far Away by Meg Mitchell Moore (10)
- 08: Reliving Morrison: My Path Down Memory Lane (5)
- 07: Zombie Mondays: Audiobook Review-Zombiestan by Mainak Dhar (6)
- 07: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 04: Frightful Friday: A Silence of Mockingbirds: The Memoir of A Murder by Karen Spears Zacharias (2)
- 02: A Month in Review: April 2012 (1)
- 01: Audiobook Review: The Inquisitor by Mark Allen Smith (2)
April 2012
- 30: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 29: TSS: Are You Prepared for Zombie Awareness Month? (2)
- 27: Frightful Friday: Carpathia by Matt Forbeck (4)
- 26: Review: Another Piece of My Heart by Jane Green (4)
- 25: Review: A Land More Kind Than Home by Wiley Cash (5)
- 24: Review: Red, White, and Blood by Christopher Farnsworth (3)
- 23: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 22: TSS: Wrapping Up the Readathon! (6)
- 21: April 2012 24-Hour Readathon: Update # 4 (2)
- 21: April 2012 24-Hour Readathon: Update # 3 (7)
- 21: 24-Hour Readathon: Update #2 (1)
- 21: 24-Hour Readathon: Update # 1 (7)
- 21: April 2012 24-Hour Readathon: The Kickoff! (4)
- 20: Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon: April 2012 Edition (3)
- 19: Review: The Iguana Tree by Michel Stone (7)
- 18: Review: White Horse by Alex Adams (3)
- 17: Review: The Inquisitor’s Key by Jefferson Bass (6)
- 16: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 15: TSS: On The Road Again! (4)
- 12: Review: Assassin’s Code by Jonathan Maberry (4)
- 11: Review: This Life Is In Your Hands by Melissa Coleman (8)
- 10: Review: The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan (14)
- 09: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 08: TSS: Happy Easter! (5)
- 06: Frightful Friday: Nocturnal by Scott Sigler (4)
- 05: Review: The Song Remains the Same by Allison Winn Scotch (7)
- 04: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: I Have Opinions (20)
- 03: Review: These Girls by Sarah Pekkanen (6)
- 02: Review: The Woman Who Wasn’t There:The True Story of an Incredible Deception by Robin Gaby Fisher and Angelo J. Guglielmo, Jr. (8)
- 02: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (2)
- 01: TSS: March Monthly Roundup! (2)
March 2012
- 31: Review: Save Me by Lisa Scottoline (7)
- 30: Frightful Friday: Rise Again by Ben Tripp (1)
- 29: Review: The Thirteen by Susie Moloney (2)
- 28: Review: Losing Clementine by Ashley Ream (10)
- 27: Review: Edge of Dark Water by Joe R. Lansdale (4)
- 26: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 25: TSS: Still Recovering from a Wonderfully Bookish Week! (6)
- 21: Review: Hide Me Among the Graves by Tim Powers (8)
- 20: Review: Helsinki White by James Thompson (4)
- 19: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 15: Rejuvenating Literary Road Trip (9)
- 13: Review-Girls Like Us: A Memoir by Rachel Lloyd (5)
- 12: Review: The Girl Next Door by Brad Parks (5)
- 12: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 09: Frightful Friday: The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi (3)
- 08: Blogiversary Special: Things I Wish I Knew As A New Blogger (29)
- 07: Review: The Possibility of You by Pamela Redmond (2)
- 06: Review: Hystera by Leora Skolkin-Smith (6)
- 05: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 04: TSS: A Completely Unique Bookstore Event (6)
- 02: Frightful Friday: Dead Harvest by Chris Holm (5)
- 01: A Month in Review: February (8)
February 2012
- 29: Review: The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels-A Love Story by Ree Drummond (17)
- 28: Review: The Next One To Fall by Hilary Davidson (3)
- 27: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 24: Review: The Technologists by Matthew Pearl (7)
- 23: Review: Night Swim by Jessica Keener (7)
- 22: Review: Bridge of Scarlet Leaves by Kristina McMorris (7)
- 21: Review: Partials by Dan Wells (7)
- 20: Review: Looking at Lincoln by Maira Kalman (4)
- 20: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 19: TSS: Getting my Reading Groove Back (2)
- 18: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: Star Wars, Clone Wars: Incredible Vehicles (5)
- 17: Guest Post: Roberta Rich, Author of The Midwife of Venice (1)
- 16: Review: The Midwife of Venice by Roberta Rich (5)
- 15: Review: What Happened to Hannah by Mary Kay McComas (3)
- 14: Reuniting With A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle (7)
- 13: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 08: Review: Prime Suspect 3: Silent Victims by Lynda La Plante (2)
- 07: Review: A Good American by Alex George (10)
- 06: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 05: TSS: Books Spark Excellent Discussions (7)
- 04: Review: Helpless by Daniel Palmer (5)
- 03: Frightful Friday: Defending Jacob by William Landay (10)
- 01: Audio Book Review: King of Plagues by Jonathan Maberry (8)
- 01: A Month in Review: January (2)
January 2012
- 31: Prime Suspect/A Face in the Crowd by Lynda La Plante (7)
- 30: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 29: TSS: Catching Up on Life (4)
- 27: Frightful Friday: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake (4)
- 26: Review: Taken by Robert Crais (6)
- 24: Review: The Baker’s Daughter by Sarah McCoy (14)
- 23: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 20: Frightful Friday Review: The Chalk Girl by Carol O’Connell (6)
- 19: Review: First You Try Everything by Jane McCafferty (8)
- 17: Review: American Dervish by Ayad Akhtar (11)
- 16: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 12: Author Guest Post: Eva Stachniak, Author of THE WINTER PALACE (8)
- 11: Review: The Winter Palace by Eva Stachniak (9)
- 10: The Retribution by Val McDermid (4)
- 09: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (2)
- 06: Frightful Friday: The Innocent by Taylor Stevens (6)
- 05: Review: An Appetite for Murder by Lucy Burdette (12)
- 04: Review: The Dispatcher by Ryan David Jahn (7)
- 03: Review: Affairs of Steak by Julie Hyzy (6)
- 02: Review: More than Words Can Say by Robert Barclay (4)
- 02: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 01: TSS: Top Favorite Books of the Year/Bookish Resolutions (18)
December 2011
- 30: Frightful Friday: Favorite Horror Books of the Year (4)
- 27: Best of 2011: Thrillers (7)
- 22: Best Books of 2011: Girl Power (16)
- 21: Review: The Bungalow by Sarah Jio (11)
- 19: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 18: TSS: Virtual Advent Tour-Christmas Traditions (17)
- 16: Frightful Friday: Fun & Games by Duane Swierczynski (4)
- 15: #IndieThursday Guest Post: Author Ryan Jacobson (2)
- 14: Adventures in Parenting: TMI & Social Media (13)
- 13: Giveaway: The Thirteen Hallows by Michael Scott & Colette Freedman (3)
- 13: Review: Thirteen Hallows by Michael Scott & Colette Freedman (6)
- 12: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 11: TSS: It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas…. (9)
- 08: Review: The Call by Yannick Murphy (8)
- 05: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 02: Frightful Friday: Supernatural: Bobby Singer’s Guide to Hunting by David Reed (4)
- 01: Audiobook Review: The Vaults by Toby Ball (6)
November 2011
- 29: 11/22/63 by Stephen King (19)
- 28: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 27: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2011: The Wrap Up (13)
- 27: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2011: Day Three (8)
- 26: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2011: Day Two! (10)
- 25: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2011: What Book Are You Thankful For? (12)
- 25: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2011: The Kickoff (35)
- 23: Review: iBoy by Kevin Brooks (7)
- 21: Review: The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch (9)
- 21: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 20: Review: The Nook Tablet (16)
- 18: Frightful Friday: The Dragon Factory by Jonathan Maberry (2)
- 17: Review: The Heroine’s Bookshelf: Life Lessons, from Jane Austen to Laura Ingalls Wilder by Erin Blakemore (22)
- 14: Review: Huck by Janet Elder (4)
- 14: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 13: TSS: Matthew Norman at One More Page (5)
- 12: Thankfully Reading Weekend, 2011 Edition! (64)
- 11: Frightful Friday: Monsters in the Movies by John Landis (1)
- 10: Off Topic: Kobo, I’m Breaking Up With You (4)
- 08: Review: The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa (4)
- 07: Review: The Strangers on Montagu Street by Karen White (7)
- 07: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 03: #IndieThursday Guest Post: Why I Love Indie Book Stores by Lee Woodruff (1)
- 01: Review: Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry (Audiobook) (6)
October 2011
- 31: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Wrap Up! (13)
- 31: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 30: TSS: October Ends With…Snow?!? (10)
- 28: Review: The Exorcist: 40th Anniversary Edition by William Peter Blatty (12)
- 27: Mx3 Review: Anya’s Ghost by Vera Brosgol (4)
- 26: Mx3 Guest Post: Alan Orloff and The Idea That Wouldn’t Die (5)
- 25: Mx3 Review: The Night Eternal by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan (7)
- 25: Mx3 Guest Interview: Five Minutes with John Connolly (2)
- 24: Mx3 Review: Dead of Night by Jonathan Maberry (4)
- 24: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 23: TSS: Wrapping up the 24 Hour Read-a-thon! (8)
- 21: Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon! October 2011 (9)
- 21: Mx3 Guest Post & Giveaway: Doug Magee, Author of Darkness All Around (3)
- 21: Mx3 Review: Darkness All Around by Doug Magee (5)
- 20: Mx3 Review: T is for Trespass by Sue Grafton (22)
- 20: Mx3 Guest Post: John Everson, Author of The Pumpkin Man (1)
- 19: Mx3 Review: The Pumpkin Man by John Everson (7)
- 18: Mx3 Guest Review: The Shunned House by H.P. Lovecraft (4)
- 17: Mx3 Guest Post: Scott Poole, Author of Monsters in America (0)
- 17: Mx3 Review: Monsters in America by W. Scott Poole (10)
- 17: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 16: The Walking Dead Premiere Giveaway! (50)
- 16: TSS: Wrapping up #Mx3, Week 2! (3)
- 15: Mx3 Review: Harbor by John Ajvide Lindqvist (6)
- 14: Mx3 Guest Review: Touch by Alexi Zentner (3)
- 13: Mx3 Review: Little Goblins Ten by Pamela Jane (6)
- 12: Mx3 Guest Post: Truth is Scarier Than Fiction by Kim Ukura (5)
- 11: Mx3 Review: Black Light by Patrick Melton, Marcus Dunstan, & Stephen Romano (1)
- 10: Mx3 Guest Review: The Red Church by Scott Nicholson (1)
- 10: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 09: TSS: Wrapping up Week One of Murder, Monsters & Mayhem! (11)
- 08: Mx3 Guest Post: Jane Bradley, Author of You Believers (4)
- 07: Mx3 Review: The Monsters Corner: Stories Through Inhuman Eyes by Christopher Golden (4)
- 07: Mx3 Guest Post: Monsters: Omission and Commission by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (3)
- 06: Mx3 Review: Bad Moon by Todd Ritter (5)
- 05: Mx3: Review: The Book That Eats People by John Perry (7)
- 04: Mx3: Guest Interview with Thriller Author Mark Nykanen (0)
- 03: Mx3: Review: The Night Strangers by Chris Bohjalian (19)
- 03: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 02: Mx3: Spooky Movie Recommendations! (0)
- 02: TSS: Welcome Fall! (3)
- 01: Mx3: Halloween Mystery Recommendations! (3)
September 2011
- 30: Frightful Friday: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (5)
- 30: Murders, Monsters & Mayhem 2011 Link-up! (26)
- 29: Review: If Jack’s In Love by Stephen Wetta (9)
- 28: Review: Me Again by Keith Cronin (4)
- 27: Review: Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu (10)
- 26: Review: The Kingdom of Childhood by Rebecca Coleman (14)
- 26: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 23: Frightful Friday-Guys Read: Thriller, Edited by John Scieszka (7)
- 22: #IndieThursday Guest Post: Kelly Simmons, Author of The Bird House (6)
- 20: Review: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (10)
- 19: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 16: Review: The Legacy by Katherine Webb (9)
- 15: #IndieThursday Guest Post: Manda Collis from Mandarific! (3)
- 13: Review: The Grief of Others by Leah Hager Cohen (10)
- 12: Review: Children of Paranoia by Trevor Shane (5)
- 12: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 09: Frightful Friday: Your Presence Is Requested at Suvanto by Maile Chapman (4)
- 08: #IndieThursday Guest Post: The Vicarious Dream by Alma Katsu, Author of THE TAKER (2)
- 08: Guest Post: Genni Gunn, Author of Solitaria (0)
- 07: Review: Solitaria by Genni Gunn (8)
- 06: Voting is Open! Book Blogger Appreciation Week! (2)
- 05: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 04: TSS: Survived the First Week of School! (7)
- 02: Frightful Friday: Autumn by David Moody (5)
- 01: #IndieThursday Guest Post: Not Fooling Anyone by Jennifer Tepavcevich (0)
- 01: Review: The Perfect Suspect by Margaret Coel (3)
August 2011
- 31: It’s Here! R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VI! (11)
- 30: Review: Mice by Gordon Reece (4)
- 29: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (16)
- 27: Giveaway: The Stranger You Seek by Amanda Kyle Williams (0)
- 27: Review: The Stranger You Seek by Amanda Kyle Williams (5)
- 25: #IndieThursday Guest Post: Three Lives, Many Memories (3)
- 24: Review: The Homecoming of Samuel Lake by Jenny Wingfield (9)
- 23: Review: Love Lies Bleeding by Jess McConkey (4)
- 22: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 21: TSS: Enjoying the Last Week of Summer (11)
- 19: Frightful Friday: This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel (6)
- 18: #IndieThursday Guest Post: An Invitation To Lose Yourself by Brooke (Books Distilled) (7)
- 17: Review: The Irresistible Henry House by Lisa Grunwald (10)
- 16: Review: Cocktail Hour Under The Tree of Forgetfulness by Alexandra Fuller (10)
- 15: Special eBook Promo: Agoraphobics in Love by Lisa Tucker (2)
- 15: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 12: Frightful Friday: The Lantern by Deborah Lawrenson (7)
- 11: #IndieThursday Guest Post: Independent Booksellers Can Save Your Life By Lauren Baratz-Logsted (4)
- 10: Review: The Secret of Crickley Hall by James Herbert (6)
- 08: Review: The Magician King by Lev Grossman (13)
- 08: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 07: TSS: Supporting Independent Bookstores! (7)
- 05: Frightful Friday: Murders, Monsters & Mayhem! (9)
- 04: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: The Capstone Edition! (10)
- 03: Review: Creep by Jennifer Hillier (2)
- 03: Happy Paperback Release to The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove by Susan Gregg Gilmore! (1)
- 02: Guest Post: Vicky Alvear Shecter, Author of Cleopatra’s Moon (4)
- 01: Review: Cleopatra’s Moon by Vicky Alvear Shecter (10)
- 01: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
July 2011
- 29: Frightful Friday: We All Fall Down by Michael Harvey (2)
- 28: Top Ten Reasons I May Block You on Twitter (26)
- 27: Celebrate Independent Bookstores! #IndieThursday is Born! (8)
- 27: Review: The Book of Lies by Mary Horlock (12)
- 26: Guest Review: Smokin’ Seventeen by Janet Evanovich (2)
- 25: Review: Close Your Eyes by Amanda Eyre Ward (3)
- 25: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 22: Frightful Friday: Shock Value by Jason Zinoman (2)
- 21: Review: Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan (14)
- 20: Literary Road Trip: June/July Link Round Up! (1)
- 19: Review: The Reservoir by John Milliken Thompson (7)
- 18: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (14)
- 14: Guest Post: John Milliken Thompson, Author of The Reservoir (6)
- 13: Review: Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones (11)
- 12: Review: The Summer We Came to Life by Deborah Cloyed (4)
- 11: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (12)
- 08: Frightful Friday: The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan (7)
- 07: Review: The End of Everything by Megan Abbott (6)
- 06: Review: Stiltsville by Susanna Daniel (7)
- 05: Review: You’re Next by Gregg Hurwitz (4)
- 04: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 01: Frightful Friday: Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson (9)
June 2011
- 30: Review: The Art of Saying Goodbye by Ellyn Bache (4)
- 29: Guest Post: The Power of the Community (2)
- 28: Review: Centuries of June by Keith Donohue (6)
- 27: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 22: Review: 212 by Alafair Burke (5)
- 21: Author Guest Post: Michael Beil, Author of The Red Blazer Girls Series (4)
- 20: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: The Mistaken Masterpiece by Michael D. Beil (9)
- 20: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 17: Frightful Friday: Don’t Breathe A Word by Jennifer McMahon (10)
- 16: Review: The Storm at the Door by Stefan Merrill Block (11)
- 14: Review: Before I Go to Sleep by S.J. Watson (10)
- 13: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (16)
- 12: TSS: Last Week of School! (2)
- 10: Frightful Friday: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (18)
- 09: Adventures in Parenting: Sharing the Love of Reading (5)
- 08: Review: War and Watermelon by Rich Wallace (7)
- 07: Review: The Two Deaths of Daniel Hayes by Marcus Sakey (9)
- 06: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 05: TSS: One More Page Books Really Knows How to Throw A Party! (7)
- 03: Frightful Friday: The Ridge by Michael Koryta (11)
- 01: Review: The Beach Trees by Karen White (14)
May 2011
- 31: Review: Come and Find Me by Hallie Ephron (5)
- 30: Literary Road Trip: May Link Round Up! (0)
- 30: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 29: TSS: Happy Memorial Day Weekend! (12)
- 23: Welcome BEA Attendees! (1)
- 20: Frightful Friday: Graveminder by Melissa Marr (10)
- 19: Review: Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin (15)
- 17: A Week of Wondrous Activities at One More Page Books & More! (5)
- 16: Review: A Drop of the Hard Stuff by Lawrence Block (6)
- 16: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 15: TSS: Chicken Butt’s Back! (8)
- 13: Frightful Friday: The White Devil by Justin Evans (15)
- 12: Review: Faith by Jennifer Haigh (14)
- 11: Love vs. Hate: Book Characters You Love to Hate (12)
- 10: Review: Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion (4)
- 09: Literary Road Trip: March/April Literary Road Map (0)
- 09: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 08: TSS: Happy Mother’s Day! (9)
- 06: Frightful Friday: They’re Watching by Gregg Hurwitz (4)
- 05: Review: Pictures of You by Caroline Leavitt (8)
- 04: Review: The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen (11)
- 03: Review: The Violets of March by Sarah Jio (17)
- 02: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 01: TSS: Hello May! (5)
April 2011
- 30: Literary Road Trip: April Link Round Up! (0)
- 29: Frightful Friday: Precious Blood by Jonathan Hayes (1)
- 28: Review: Storm Front by Jim Butcher (Audiobook) (7)
- 27: Giveaway: They’re Watching by Gregg Hurwitz (3)
- 26: Review: The Bird Sisters by Rebecca Rasmussen (17)
- 25: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 22: Frightful Friday: The President’s Vampire by Christopher Farnsworth (7)
- 21: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: What I’ve Been Reading Lately (13)
- 20: Giveaway: Nature Squad-Bluebird Finds A Home by Ryan Jacobson (1)
- 20: Review: Nature Squad-Bluebird Finds A Home by Ryan Jacobson (2)
- 19: Review: Promise Not To Tell by Jennifer McMahon (16)
- 18: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (14)
- 17: TSS: Spring Is Here! (10)
- 15: Review: Planting the Wild Garden by Kathryn O. Galbraith (0)
- 15: Frightful Friday: So Close the Hand of Death by J.T. Ellison (1)
- 14: Review: The Third Rail by Michael Harvey (2)
- 13: Review: The Priest’s Graveyard by Ted Dekker (6)
- 12: Review & Giveaway: A Place for Fish by Melissa Stewart (2)
- 11: Going to BEA/Book Blogger Con? Let’s Meet Up! (8)
- 11: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (12)
- 08: Breaking News: Carter Ross Responds to Allegations of Ballot-Stuffing (5)
- 08: Frightful Friday: The Silenced by Brett Battles (0)
- 07: Guest Post: Author Julie Hyzy (9)
- 07: Review: Grace Under Pressure by Julie Hyzy (12)
- 06: Review: Heads You Lose by Lisa Lutz and David Hayward (11)
- 05: Review: The Raising by Laura Kasischke (7)
- 04: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 03: TSS: Embracing the Bookish Love (5)
- 02: Literary Road Trip: March Link Round Up! (1)
- 01: Frightful Friday: Liquid Fear by Scott Nicholson (30)
March 2011
- 31: Guest Post & Giveaway: Holly Tucker, Author of Blood Work (5)
- 30: A Night of Bookish Awesomeness: A Visit with Meg Waite Clayton (9)
- 30: Review: The Four Ms. Bradwells by Meg Waite Clayton (8)
- 29: Giveaway: Inkblot by Margaret Peot (0)
- 29: Review: Inkblot by Margaret Peot (4)
- 28: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 27: TSS: Another Wonderfully Bookish Week! (5)
- 25: Brad Parks Visits One More Page Books! (10)
- 24: Review: A Heartbeat Away by Michael Palmer (8)
- 23: The Event You Cannot Miss! Brad Parks Visits One More Page Books! (6)
- 22: Review: Blood Work-A Tale of Medicine & Murder in the Scientific Revolution by Holly Tucker (9)
- 21: Review: Horns by Joe Hill (13)
- 21: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 20: TSS: A Wonderfully Bookish Weekend! (10)
- 19: Review: The Kensei by Jon F. Merz (1)
- 18: Frightful Friday: Lucifer’s Tears by James Thompson (6)
- 17: Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (8)
- 16: Review: The Informationist by Taylor Stevens (10)
- 15: Giveaway: The Chaos by Rachel Ward (1)
- 15: Review: The Chaos (Book Two in the Numbers Series) by Rachel Ward (3)
- 14: Comparing Apples to Oranges: All Books Are Not Equal (22)
- 14: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 11: Giveaway: Satori by Don Winslow (1)
- 10: Review: Satori by Don Winslow (8)
- 09: Literary Road Trip: January/February Literary Road Map (4)
- 08: Help Me Celebrate Three Years of Blogging! (17)
- 07: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 04: Frightful Friday: Run by Blake Crouch (2)
- 03: Review: These Things Hidden by Heather Gudenkauf (8)
- 02: Review: 31 Bond Street by Ellen Horan (13)
- 01: Literary Road Trip: January & February Link-Ups! (3)
- 01: Review: The Lock Artist (Audiobook) by Steve Hamilton (9)
February 2011
- 28: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 25: Frightful Friday: The Winter Ghosts by Kate Moss (14)
- 24: Giveaway: Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning (2)
- 24: Review: Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning (11)
- 23: March Book Club: These Things Hidden by Heather Gudenkauf (2)
- 22: Review: American Vampire by Jennifer Armintrout (4)
- 21: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 17: Review: The Other Life by Ellen Meister (15)
- 16: Review: Three Seconds by Anders Roslund and Borge Hellstrom (7)
- 08: Review: Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal by Conor Grennan (11)
- 07: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: MVP Prizes (4)
- 07: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 06: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Post-Game (15)
- 06: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Half-Time (12)
- 06: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: Mini-Challenge #1 (7)
- 06: The Big Game’s On Read-a-thon: The Kick Off! (11)
- 05: The Big Game’s On Readathon: Pre-Game (3)
- 03: Giveaway: Delirious by Daniel Palmer (6)
- 02: Review: Delirious by Daniel Palmer (9)
- 01: Review: The Devil’s Star by Jo Nesbø (8)
January 2011
- 31: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (18)
- 30: TSS: Spend Superbowl Sunday Curled Up With a Good Book! (25)
- 27: Interview & Giveaway: Naseem Rakha, Author of The Crying Tree (8)
- 26: Review: The Crying Tree by Naseem Rakha (14)
- 25: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: Splurch Academy for Disruptive Boys: The Rat Brain Fiasco by Julie Gardner Berry (10)
- 24: Review: Bury Your Dead by Louise Penny (6)
- 24: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 21: Bloggeista Ole! My Agenda (15)
- 21: Bloggiesta Mini-Challenge: Organize Thy Books! (119)
- 20: In Response to Many…the Gushing Review of The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown (9)
- 19: Giveaway: The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown (Audiobook) (8)
- 19: Review: The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown (13)
- 18: Review: You Know When the Men Are Gone by Siobhan Fallon (10)
- 17: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 12: Review: Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King (13)
- 10: Review: Invasion (C.H.A.O.S Book One) by Jon S. Lewis (3)
- 10: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 07: Guest Post: Julie Hyzy, Author of the White House Chef Mystery Series (10)
- 07: Review: Buffalo West Wing by Julie Hyzy (4)
- 06: Review: Eggsecutive Orders by Julie Hyzy (6)
- 05: Review: Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson (11)
- 04: Review: Hail to the Chef by Julie Hyzy (7)
- 03: Review: State of the Onion by Julie Hyzy (7)
- 03: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
December 2010
- 31: Wrapping up 2010! Happy New Year (15)
- 24: Merry Christmas 2010! (7)
- 22: Review: Where Teddy Bears Come From by Mark Burgess (2)
- 21: Review: Harry Potter-Film Wizardry by Brian Sibley (11)
- 20: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (12)
- 17: We’ve Got Some Winners! (3)
- 16: In My Book, the Greeting Card & Bookmark In One! (5)
- 15: Review: The Alchemist: A Graphic Novel by Paulo Coelho (4)
- 14: Review: Santa’s Eleven Months Off by Mike Reiss (5)
- 13: Review: The Damage Done by Hilary Davidson (10)
- 13: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 10: Frightful Friday: Matched by Ally Condie (9)
- 09: Review: The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova (17)
- 07: Review & Giveaway: Under the Snow by Melissa Stewart (2)
- 06: Review: The Snow Globe by Sheila Roberts (7)
- 06: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 03: Frightful Friday: The Immortals by J.T. Ellison (2)
- 02: Guest Post & Giveaway: CJ Lyons, Author of the Angels of Mercy Series (13)
- 02: 2010 Virtual Advent Tour: The Magic of Christmas (30)
- 01: Review: Critical Condition by CJ Lyons (6)
November 2010
- 29: Review: Lifelines by CJ Lyons (3)
- 29: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (12)
- 28: Thankfully Reading Weekend: Wrap Up Post (21)
- 28: Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Three (5)
- 27: Thankfully Reading Weekend Mini-Challege #2: Photograph Your TBR Shelves (17)
- 27: Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Two! (12)
- 26: Thankfully Reading Mini-Challenge #1: What Book Are You Most Thankful For? (14)
- 26: Thankfully Reading Weekend 2010: The Kickoff! (19)
- 25: Happy Thanksgiving 2010! (5)
- 23: Announcing: A Multitude of Giveaway Winners (3)
- 23: Louisa May Alcott Giveaway! (1)
- 22: Review: Dreamfever by Karen Marie Moning (1)
- 22: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 19: Frightful Friday: Biblio Vampiro: An Essential Guide to Vampires by Robert Curran (1)
- 19: Guest Post: Ryan Jacobson, Author of Lost in the Wild (8)
- 18: Review: Lost in the Wild, a Choose Your Path Book by Ryan Jacobson (5)
- 17: Review: Room by Emma Donoghue (22)
- 16: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: The Adventures of Ook and Gluk by Dav Pilkey (9)
- 15: Review: Death Notice by Todd Ritter (4)
- 15: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 12: Interview & Giveaway: C.M. Mayo, Author of The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire (2)
- 12: Frightful Friday: The Dead Path by Stephen M. Irwin (2)
- 11: Review: The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire by C.M. Mayo (5)
- 10: Review & Giveaway: The Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey (1)
- 09: Mini-Review: The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey (8)
- 08: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (17)
- 08: Thankfully Reading, the 2010 Edition! (82)
- 07: Fright Fest Winners! (3)
- 05: Interview with Catherine Gildiner, Author of After the Falls (1)
- 04: Review: After the Falls by Catherine Gildiner (6)
- 03: Review: I Am Not a Serial Killer by Dan Wells (10)
- 02: It’s Voting Day! Vote in the Fright Fest Photo Contest! (4)
- 02: Teaser Tuesday: The Dead Path by Stephen M. Irwin (4)
- 01: Review: Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver (7)
- 01: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 01: Fright Fest Wrap-Up/A Month in Review: October (2)
October 2010
- 31: Fright Fest Thriller Audio Book Giveway! (1)
- 31: Vote for your Favorite Thrills & Chills (1)
- 30: Movie Review: What Lies Beneath (2)
- 30: A Zombie Love Story (Of Sorts)-Lavender Lines (0)
- 29: Review: The Ice Cradle by Mary Ann Winkowski & Maureen Foley (0)
- 29: Guest Review: Gallows Hill by Lois Duncan (1)
- 29: Guest Post: How to Carve a Mockingjay Pumpkin by Bookalicious Pam! (10)
- 28: Why I Hate Horror But Love Halloween, a Guest Post by Jennifer from Girls Gone Reading (5)
- 28: Guest Post: Can Handwriting Reveal a Serial Killer? (9)
- 28: Review: The Familiars by Adam Jay Epstein & Andrew Jacobson (4)
- 27: The Familiars Halloween Scavenger Hunt! (1)
- 27: Guest Post: Mary Sharatt, Author of Daughters of the Witching Hill (2)
- 27: Guest Movie Review: The Haunting (1)
- 26: The Definition of Horror Fiction (8)
- 26: Guest Post: What Makes a Thriller? (3)
- 25: Review: The Faithful by Jonathan Weyer (3)
- 25: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 24: Final Week of Fright Fest Begins! (1)
- 24: Halloween Picture Book Roundup! (5)
- 23: Guest Review: The Uninvited (1)
- 23: Guest Post: Lichs and Trolls and Basilisks-Oh My! (2)
- 22: Guest Review: Pet Semetary by Stephen King (5)
- 21: Review: Draculas by Blake Crouch, Jack Kilborn, F. Paul Wilson, Jeff Strand (9)
- 20: Guest Review: The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury (1)
- 20: Review: Holy Ghosts: Or How a (Not-So) Good Catholic Boy Became a Believer in Things That Go Bump in the Night by Gary Jansen (5)
- 19: Fright Fest Contest Time! (5)
- 19: Guest Post & Review: The Real Twilight by Arlene Russo (2)
- 18: Review: Faefever by Karen Marie Moning (8)
- 18: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 17: Fright Fest Week Three Begins! (3)
- 15: Guest Review- Thriller: Stories to Keep You Up All Night (3)
- 14: Author Guest Post: Jonathan Maberry, Author of Rot & Ruin (1)
- 14: Review: Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry (10)
- 13: Guest Post: The Evolution of Horror Movies by Tif (Tif Talks Books) (2)
- 12: Fright Fest Week 2 Begins! (3)
- 12: Guest Post: Deborah LeBlanc, Author of Grave Intent (1)
- 12: Review: Grave Intent by Deborah LeBlanc (0)
- 11: Guest Review: Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow (9)
- 11: Guest Post & Kindle Giveaway: Octoberness by Scott Nicholson (134)
- 11: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 10: 24-Hour Readathon: The End (7)
- 09: 24-Hour Readathon: Hour Sixteen (0)
- 09: 24-Hour Readathon: Hour 12 (12)
- 09: 24-Hour Readathon: Hour 8 (6)
- 09: 24-Hour Readathon: Hour 4 Update (4)
- 09: 24-Hour Readathon: The Beginning! (8)
- 09: Review: The House of Dead Maids by Clare B. Dunkle (3)
- 08: Fright Fest Week 1 Wrap Up & Giveaway! (2)
- 08: Gearing Up For the Readathon! (8)
- 08: Guest Post & Giveaway: Clare Dunkle, Author of The House of Dead Maids (0)
- 07: Guest Review: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving (3)
- 07: Guest Review: Spell of the Screaming Joker by R.L.Stine (9)
- 06: Review: In A Dark, Dark Room by Alvin Schwartz (4)
- 05: Nominate Your Favorite Thrills & Chills (0)
- 05: Review: Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn (28)
- 04: Review: A Vampire is Coming to Dinner by Pamela Jane (8)
- 04: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 03: Halloween Picks for Children from Stiletto Storytime! (7)
- 02: Looking for Halloween Thriller Recommendations? (9)
- 01: Review: Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones by Alvin Schwartz (1)
- 01: The Big Fright Fest Kick Off! (14)
September 2010
- 30: Review: More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz (3)
- 29: Review: Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz (20)
- 28: A Wonderfully Bookish Weekend-Part Two! (11)
- 28: A Wonderfully Bookish Weekend-Part One! (9)
- 27: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (15)
- 23: Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten? Book Event (8)
- 22: Review: Leaving Before It’s Over by Jean Reynolds Page (3)
- 21: Teaser Tuesday: Leaving Before Its Over by Jean Reynolds Page (7)
- 20: Announcing the Winner of the BBAW ARC Prize Pack! (4)
- 20: Review: Bloodfever by Karen Marie Moning (3)
- 20: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 17: Winners of the Kathryn Lasky Giveaway Bundle (3)
- 17: Fall is the Season for Book Events! (11)
- 16: Review:The Disappearance by Bentley Little (8)
- 15: Winners of the Spaceheadz Giveaway! (1)
- 15: A Belated BBAW Interview with Such A Book Nerd (7)
- 15: Waiting on Wednesday: Worth Dying For by Lee Child (16)
- 14: Teaser Tuesday: The Fall by Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck Hogan (8)
- 14: BBAW Day Two: Interview Swap With JP From YA Urban (11)
- 13: BBAW Giveaway Post #1: ARC Prize Pack! (15)
- 13: Kicking Off Book Blogger Appreciation Week! (34)
- 13: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 10: R.I.P. V Challenge! (6)
- 10: Giveaway: Guardians of Ga’hoole: The Capture by Kathryn Lasky (5)
- 09: Review: Guardians of Ga’hoole: The Capture by Kathryn Lasky (5)
- 08: Announcing: The Winner of Come Sunday by Isla Morley (2)
- 07: Giveaway: Spaceheadz by Jon Sciezka (0)
- 07: Review: Spaceheadz by Jon Scieszka (8)
- 06: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 02: A Month in Review: August 2010 (9)
- 01: Review: The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths (10)
August 2010
- 31: Review: Bad Marie by Marcy Dermansky (10)
- 30: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 26: Review: The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove by Susan Gregg Gilmore (10)
- 25: Belated Announcement of Winners! (5)
- 25: Waiting on Wednesday: The Night Season by Chelsea Cain (11)
- 24: Giveaway: Come Sunday by Isla Morley (4)
- 24: Inteview with Isla Morley, Author of Come Sunday (6)
- 24: Teaser Tuesday: The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths (7)
- 23: Review: Come Sunday by Isla Morley (10)
- 23: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (12)
- 19: Review: Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten? by Audrey Vernick (8)
- 19: Review: Ashes to Water by Irene Ziegler (3)
- 18: Traffic Jam at Jenn’s Bookshelves! (1)
- 18: Mockingjay District 8 Tour Stop & Giveaway (40)
- 18: Review: Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning (4)
- 17: Review: The Blessings of the Animals by Katrina Kittle (10)
- 17: Teaser Tuesday: The Blessings of the Animals by Katrina Kittle (7)
- 16: Review: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (11)
- 16: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 12: Review: How Rocket Learned to Read by Tad Hills (13)
- 11: Waiting on Wednesday: Holy Ghosts by Gary Jansen (7)
- 10: Announcing the Winners of An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon (2)
- 10: Announcing the Winner of Running Dark by Jamie Freveletti (1)
- 10: Review: Scar Tissue-Seven Stories About Love and Wounds by Marcus Sakey (4)
- 09: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 06: Giveaway: Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel (5)
- 06: Review: Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel (8)
- 05: A Month in Review: July (5)
- 04: Waiting on Wednesday: A Bunch of Horror Goodness! (7)
- 04: NPR Announces the Top 100 “Killer Thrillers” (3)
- 03: Teaser Tuesday: Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel (7)
- 02: Giveaway: An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon (5)
- 02: Review: An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon (11)
- 02: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
July 2010
- 30: Guest Post & Giveaway: Catherine Delors, Author of For the King (6)
- 29: Countdown to Mockingjay: Official Mockingjay 13 District Blog Tour (22)
- 28: Giveaway: Running Dark by Jamie Freveletti (4)
- 28: Review: Running Dark by Jamie Freveletti (7)
- 27: Teaser Tuesday: Last Writes by Sheila Lowe (12)
- 26: Adventures in Parenting: Pride (16)
- 26: Mini-Review: For the King by Caterine Delors (8)
- 26: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (15)
- 23: Sign Up Now! Halloween Fright Fest! (15)
- 22: Review: Labor Day by Joyce Maynard (8)
- 20: Announcing the Winner of Never Wave Goodbye by Doug Magee (3)
- 19: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 16: Announcing the Winner of the Take Hachette Book Group to the Beach Giveaway! (6)
- 15: Anonymous Violence, Please: A Guest Post by Laura Bynum, Author of Veracity. (1)
- 14: Virginia is for…Book Lovers: Veracity by Laura Bynum (10)
- 13: Teaser Tuesday: Running Dark by Jamie Freveletti (7)
- 13: The USO to Carry Out “Operation Thriller” on U.S. Troops (1)
- 12: Mini-Review: Running from the Devil by Jamie Freveletti (10)
- 12: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 09: Cartooning Workshop at Hooray for Books! (3)
- 09: Announcing the Winner of So Cold the River by Michael Koryta (2)
- 08: Review: Denial: A Memoir of Terror by Jessica Stern (8)
- 07: An Inside Look at Jenn’s Bookshelves! (6)
- 07: Guest Post & Giveaway: Doug Magee, Author of Never Wave Goodbye (6)
- 06: Review: More of America’s Most Wanted Recipes by Ron Douglas (13)
- 06: Review: Never Wave Goodbye by Doug Magee (9)
- 05: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 04: Literary Road Trip: May-June Literary Road Map (4)
- 02: Take Hachette to the Beach Book Giveaway! (49)
- 01: A Month in Review: June (4)
June 2010
- 29: Giveaway: So Cold the River by Michael Koryta (5)
- 29: Review: So Cold the River by Michael Kortya (17)
- 28: Announcing the Winner of SOS! The Six O’Clock Scramble to the Rescue! (3)
- 28: One Question Interview with Lauren Baratz-Logsted (5)
- 28: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 24: Review: The Truth About Delilah Blue by Tish Cohen (9)
- 23: Day Three of Audio Book Week: Audio Book Meme (10)
- 22: Day Two of Audio Book Week: How to Write Audio Book Reviews (9)
- 22: Teaser Tuesday: Descent into Dust by Jacqueline Lepore (4)
- 21: Do Your Part: Help Bring Books Back to Nashville (1)
- 21: Kicking Off Audio Book Week: Why Audio Books? (13)
- 21: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 20: Weekly Winners Announced! (3)
- 18: In Which I Celebrate My Local Indie: Hooray for Books! Children’s Bookstore (9)
- 17: Guest Post & Giveaway: Aviva Goldfarb, Author of SOS! The Six O’Clock Scramble to the Rescue: Earth Friendly, Kid-Pleasing Meals for Busy Families (5)
- 16: Waiting on Wednesday: The Fall by Guillermo Del Toro, Chuck Hogan (12)
- 15: Review: SOS! The Six O’Clock Scramble to the Rescue: Earth-Friendly, Kid-Pleasing Dinners for Busy Families (6)
- 14: My name is Jenn…and I am a Bloggiesta Dropout! (19)
- 14: It’s Time to Start Planning for BBAW 2010! (2)
- 14: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 11: Giveaway: The Brain Finds a Leg and The Brain Full of Holes! (3)
- 11: Mini Review: The Brain Full of Holes by Martin Chatterton (4)
- 10: Giveaway: In The Sanctuary of Outcasts by Neil White (2)
- 09: Review: In the Sanctuary of Outcasts by Neil White (16)
- 08: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: Alison Dare: Little Miss Adventure (8)
- 07: Book Spotlight: The Poet Prince by Kathleen McGowan (0)
- 07: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (24)
- 06: Announcing: Winners of On Folly Beach by Karen White (1)
- 03: Adventures in Parenting: Trust. How Much Is Too Much? (9)
- 02: A Month in Review: May (3)
- 01: Teaser Tuesday: The Passage by Justin Cronin (9)
- 01: Review: A Place for Frogs by Melissa Stewart (5)
May 2010
- 31: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 25: Welcome BEA Attendees! (2)
- 24: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
- 21: Guest Post & Giveaway: Karen White, author of On Folly Beach (7)
- 20: Review: On Folly Beach by Karen White (13)
- 19: Review: Dismantled by Jennifer McMahon (12)
- 18: Days of Prey Winners! (2)
- 18: Countdown to BEA 2010 (6)
- 18: Teaser Tuesday: Dismantled by Jennifer McMahon (7)
- 17: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 13: Review:The Enemy by Lee Child (4)
- 12: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: Visit by Eric Wight, Author of the Frankie Pickle Books (24)
- 12: Waiting on Wednesday: They’re Watching by Gregg Hurwitz (6)
- 11: Review: Blood Oath by Christopher Farnsworth (9)
- 10: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 07: Review: The Prophecy by Dawn Miller (1)
- 06: Announcing the NEW Winner of Claude & Camille by Stephanie Cowell (1)
- 05: Announcing the Winner of Claude & Camille by Stephanie Cowell (1)
- 05: A Month in Review: April (3)
- 03: Days of Prey’s Tour & Giveaway: Eyes of Prey by John Sandford (17)
- 03: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 02: Literary Road Trip: April Literary Road Map (5)
April 2010
- 28: Review: Sounds Like Crazy by Shana Mahaffey (11)
- 27: Teaser Tuesday: Sounds Like Crazy by Shana Mahaffey (5)
- 27: Chelsea Cain Giveaway Winners! (3)
- 26: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 24: Goodbye Grandma… (43)
- 21: Review: Get Lucky by Katherine Center (14)
- 20: Teaser Tuesday: Get Lucky by Katherine Center (8)
- 19: Mini-Review: Skin and Bones by D.C. Corso (2)
- 19: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (16)
- 16: A Glimpse Inside Chelsea Cain’s Portland (12)
- 16: Guest Post & Giveaway: Stephanie Cowell, Author of Claude & Camille (3)
- 15: Review: Claude & Camille: A Novel of Monet by Stephanie Cowell (10)
- 15: Announcing the Winner of Daughters of the Witching Hill by Mary Sharratt (3)
- 14: Guest Post & Giveaway: Marjorie Price, Author of A Gift from Brittany (4)
- 13: Library Loot: April 7-13 (3)
- 13: Review: A Gift from Brittany by Marjorie Price (7)
- 12: Review & Giveaway: Evil at Heart by Chelsea Cain (16)
- 12: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 11: 24-Hour Readathon: Post Game Wrap Up (15)
- 10: 24-Hour Readathon: Half Time Report (9)
- 10: 24-Hour Readathon: The Kick Off! (15)
- 09: Gearing Up for Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon! (10)
- 08: Guest Post: Mary Sharratt, Author of Daughters of the Witching Hill (3)
- 07: Review: Daughters of the Witching Hill by Mary Sharratt (14)
- 07: Winners of the Iron Man Super Heroes Super Giveaway! (4)
- 06: Teaser Tuesday: Daughters of the Witching Hill by Mary Sharratt (11)
- 05: Literary Road Trip Finds a New Home! (12)
- 05: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: The Tighty Whitey Spider by Kenn Nesbitt (16)
- 05: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 04: Happy Easter 2010! (17)
- 02: Library Loot: March 31 to April 6 (8)
- 02: A Month in Review: March (4)
- 01: Adventures in Parenting: Relunctant Readers (12)
- 01: Mini-Review: At Witt’s End by Beth Solheim (5)
March 2010
- 31: Review: Darling Jim by Christian Moerk (11)
- 30: Announcing: The Winner of Numbers by Rachel Ward (4)
- 30: Teaser Tuesday: At Witt’s End by Beth Solheim (6)
- 29: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (15)
- 25: Review: Pieces of Happily Ever After by Irene Zutell (12)
- 25: Adventures in Parenting: Adolescent Love (21)
- 24: Review: Fireworks Over Toccoa by Jeffrey Stepakoff (19)
- 23: Iron Man Super Hero Super Giveaway! (22)
- 23: Mini-Review: The Cold Room by J.T. Ellison (7)
- 23: Teaser Tuesday: Fireworks over Toccoa by Jeffrey Stepakoff (9)
- 22: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 18: Introducing: Adventures in Parenting! (23)
- 18: Mini-Review:Echo Burning by Lee Child (10)
- 17: Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (14)
- 16: Teaser Tuesday: Original Sin by Allison Brennan (9)
- 15: Announcing the Winner of My Blogiversary Giveaway! (5)
- 15: Mini-Review: Merlin’s Harp by Anne Eliot Crompton (12)
- 15: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 11: The Great FLOW Woes (and Giveaway) (16)
- 11: Your Questions Have Been Answered: Part Two (8)
- 09: Review & Giveaway: Numbers by Rachel Ward (9)
- 09: Teaser Tuesday: Voices of Dragons by Carrie Vaughn (10)
- 09: Review: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (14)
- 08: To Celebrate My Blogiversary-A Giveaway! (77)
- 08: Your Questions Have Been Answered! Part One (11)
- 08: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (15)
- 03: Waiting on Wednesday: Angelology by Danielle Trussoni (12)
- 02: Announcing the Winner of The Wives of Henry Oades! (6)
- 02: Teaser Tuesday: The Cold Room by J.T. Ellison (11)
- 01: Review: Beautiful Dead, Book 1-Jonas, by Eden Maguire (5)
- 01: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (6)
February 2010
- 28: Blogiversary Special Event! Help Me Celebrate! (22)
- 28: Review: The Bride Collector by Ted Dekker (7)
- 23: Review: A Note From An Old Acquaintance by Bill Walker (10)
- 23: Teaser Tuesday: A Note from an Old Acquaintance by Bill Walker (7)
- 22: Review & Giveaway: The Wives of Henry Oades by Johanna Moran (18)
- 22: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (12)
- 18: Review: The Iron King by Julie Kagawa (14)
- 17: Mini-Review: Darkness on the Edge of Town by Brian Keene (5)
- 17: Waiting on Wednesday: The Scent of Rain and Lightning by Nancy Pickard (14)
- 16: Teaser Tuesday: (6)
- 15: Announcing: The Winners of Home Is Where the Wine Is! (3)
- 15: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (16)
- 09: Interview with the Master of Horror, Peter Straub (8)
- 09: Review: A Dark Matter by Peter Straub (8)
- 08: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (23)
- 06: Snowpocalypse 2.0: Is there an end in sight? (21)
- 04: Announcing: SheKnows Book Club for Women (9)
- 03: The Countdown Begins: Book Expo America 2010 & Bloggercon! (22)
- 02: Review & Giveaway: Home is Where the Wine Is by Laurie Perry (12)
- 01: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
January 2010
- 29: The Winner of Blind Panic by Graham Masterton is.. (5)
- 27: Waiting on Wednesday: The Map of True Places by Brunonia Barry (16)
- 26: Mini-Review: The Devil in Merrivale by Jackie Griffey (3)
- 25: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (16)
- 25: Review: Wench by Dolen Perkins-Valdez (14)
- 20: Mini-Review & Giveaway: Blind Panic by Graham Masterton (10)
- 20: Waiting on Wednesday: Dark Life by Kat Falls (7)
- 19: Teaser Tuesday: January 19th (14)
- 18: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 14: Review: Intertwined, by Gena Showalter (6)
- 13: Waiting on Wednesday: Faithful Place by Tana French (8)
- 12: Tales of a (Formerly) Reluctant Reader: Episode One (25)
- 11: Introducing Tales of A (Formerly) Reluctant Reader! (16)
- 11: The Party’s Over! Bloggiesta Wrap-Up (7)
- 11: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (19)
- 11: Review: Snow Angels by James Thompson (14)
- 08: Bloggiesta: Let’s Get This Party Started!! (9)
- 08: Bloggiesta Mini-Challenge: Come Up With 10 Post Ideas (65)
- 08: Book Spotlight: Wench by Dolen Perkins-Valdez (8)
- 07: A Belated Happy New Year! (6)
- 05: Teaser Tuesday: January 5th (2)
- 04: I’m Getting My Game On..AGAIN! (6)
- 04: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (10)
- 03: 2010 Challenges (13)
December 2009
- 29: Winner of The Girl on Legare Street by Karen White! (6)
- 21: An Update on My Sony Reader Woes (9)
- 21: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 19: Snowpocalypse 2009 (18)
- 18: The Winner of Dragon House by John Shors is… (3)
- 16: Waiting on Wednesday: The Passage by Justin Cronin (9)
- 15: I Bid Adieu to My Sony Reader (26)
- 15: Review and Giveaway: The Girl on Legare Street by Karen White (10)
- 14: Seriespalooza Kickoff! (5)
- 14: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 14: Virtual Advent Post: My Favorite Christmas Memory (30)
- 11: Library Loot! (9)
- 10: Interview with John Shors, Author of The Dragon House (2)
- 08: Review & Giveaway: Dragon House by John Shors (13)
- 07: My Secret Santa Gift Arrived! (18)
- 07: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (3)
- 07: Winners of Now & Then by Jacqueline Sheehan (5)
- 04: Review: Essie in Progress by Marjorie Presten (1)
- 03: Library Loot-December 3rd (13)
- 02: Review: The Hidden, by Tobias Hill (10)
- 01: Teaser Tuesday: December 1st (3)
- 01: Don’t Forget! Tonight I’m On That Show I Blog! (3)
November 2009
- 30: Review & Giveaway: Now & Then by Jacqueline Sheehan (9)
- 30: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (8)
- 29: Thankfully Reading Weekend: Wrap Up Post (9)
- 28: Thankfully Reading, Day Two! (10)
- 27: My Plans for Thankfully Reading Weekend (15)
- 27: Review & Blog Tour: Too Many Visitors for One Little House by Susan Chodakiewitz (3)
- 26: Happy Thanksgiving! (18)
- 25: Library Loot…the First! (8)
- 24: That’s How I Blog! (7)
- 24: Teaser Tuesday: November 24 (7)
- 23: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (17)
- 19: 2010 Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge (6)
- 17: Teaser Tuesday: November 17 (10)
- 16: Review: Bye-Bye Baby! by Richard Morris (11)
- 16: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 12: Introducing the Thankfully Reading Weekend! (17)
- 09: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 05: Virginia is For..Book Lovers: Featuring Laura Brodie, Author of The Widow’s Season (10)
- 03: It’s That Time of Year Again! Time for the Book Blogger Holiday Swap! (9)
- 03: Teaser Tuesday: November 3rd (9)
- 02: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (11)
- 01: Happy Halloween! Thunder & Blood Winners Announced (15)
October 2009
- 29: Harper Teen Relaunches Pitch Black: Books With a Bite! (6)
- 29: Review & Blog Tour: The Cutting by James Hayman (8)
- 28: Have A YA Novel But No Agent? (2)
- 27: Review & Giveaway: Thunder and Blood by Stacey Voss (36)
- 26: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (16)
- 25: Winners of Spoon by Robert Greer (3)
- 25: Readathon: Update & Wrap-Up Meme (18)
- 25: Readathon: Update 5, Hour 18 (9)
- 25: Readathon: Update #4, End of Hour 15 (4)
- 24: Readathon: Update #3, End of Hour 11 (14)
- 24: Readathon: Update #2, End of Hour 7 (8)
- 24: Readathon: Update #1: Hour 4 (11)
- 24: It’s Time for the 24 Hour Readathon!! (16)
- 21: Review: The Rapture by Liz Jensen (17)
- 20: Teaser Tuesday, October 20 (7)
- 19: Read-a-thon Update: Charities I’m Reading For! (11)
- 19: It’s Monday! What are You Reading This Week? (9)
- 17: In Which My Son and I Review Horrid Henry & the Mummy’s Curse (23)
- 16: Guest Post: Robert Greer, Author of Spoon (2)
- 16: Review & Giveaway: Spoon by Robert Greer (22)
- 14: Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon! (22)
- 13: In Which My Son Battles Lord Vader.. (22)
- 13: Teaser Tuesday, October 13 (8)
- 12: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (12)
- 07: Review and Blog Tour: Angel Lane by Sheila Roberts (12)
- 06: Teaser Tuesday, October 6th (12)
- 05: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (19)
- 03: YA-Dystopian Reading Challenge (10)
- 01: Book Review & Blog Tour: Thirteen Days of Halloween by Carol Greene (6)
September 2009
- 30: BBAW Bonus Interview with Dawn from She Is Too Fond of Books! (13)
- 29: Review: School of Fear by Gitty Daneshvari (9)
- 29: Teaser Tuesday, September 29 (12)
- 28: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (14)
- 27: In Which I Explain My Absence.. (16)
- 22: Teaser Tuesday, September 22nd (13)
- 21: Winners of BBAW Contests! (8)
- 21: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (18)
- 21: Review & Blog Tour: Laced with Magic by Barbara Bretton (10)
- 16: Review & Blog Tour: The Promised World by Lisa Tucker (8)
- 15: BBAW Giveaway #2: Book Lover’s Gift Set (74)
- 15: Teaser Tuesday, September 15 (7)
- 15: BBAW Interview Swap: My Interview with Hilda from The Dip-Files! (11)
- 14: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (4)
- 14: Great American Taste Test (7)
- 14: In Which I Celebrate My Favorite Blogs (14)
- 11: BBAW Giveaway #1! The Book of Your Choice! (301)
- 09: Which Book Would You Hand Sell? (19)
- 08: Are You An “Aggressive” Bookseller? (17)
- 08: The Voting Booth is Open! Vote NOW For Your Favorite Blogs! (0)
- 08: Teaser Tuesday, September 8th (12)
- 07: It’s Monday, What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 07: The Winner of Catching Fire! (3)
- 06: Review & Blog Tour: The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf (10)
- 03: Pardon My Absence (6)
- 01: Catching Fire Giveaway! (60)
August 2009
- 31: Review: Gaming Tower (10)
- 31: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (13)
- 30: Blog Tour & Review: Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse by Kaleb Nation (4)
- 28: Winner of Babydoll! (5)
- 27: Welcome to Jenn’s Bookshelves! (38)
- 26: Change Is In The Air! (15)
- 26: R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril…IV!!! (5)
- 25: National Book Festival is a Month Away! Sign Up for the DC Tweetup! (5)
- 25: Teaser Tuesday, August 25 (7)
- 24: Fall is in the Air! Time to Reorganize! (5)
- 24: I've Joined the Middle Grade Book Challenge! (6)
- 24: It's Monday, What Are You Reading This Week? (7)
- 24: The Winner of The Disobedient Girl is… (2)
- 20: Book Blogger Appreciation Week! Can You Feel the Excitement? (14)
- 19: Review, Blog Tour & Giveaway: Babydoll by Allyson Roy (59)
- 18: Teaser Tuesday, August 18 (0)
- 18: It's Monday, What Are You Reading This Week? (5)
- 17: Review, Blog Tour, and Giveaway: A Disobedient Girl by Ru Freeman (52)
- 12: Book Blogger Appreciation Week Meme! (0)
- 11: Book Spotlight: The Calling by David Mack (0)
- 11: Tuesday Teaser, August 11th (0)
- 10: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 09: Review: Urban Gothic by Brian Keene (0)
- 06: Review and Blog Tour: Hugh and Bess by Susan Higginbotham (0)
- 04: Guest Post: Ellen Newmark, Author of The Book of Unholy Mischief (0)
- 04: Tuesday Teaser, August 4th (0)
- 03: Review: The Book of Unholy Mischief by Elle Newmark (0)
- 03: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 01: Winner of Worst Nightmares by Shane Briant is… (5)
July 2009
- 31: Guest Review: The American Lion by Jon Meacham (8)
- 29: Review: The Last Bridge by Teri Coyne (0)
- 28: Review & Blog Tour: Summer House by Nancy Thayer (5)
- 28: Tuesday Teaser, July 28th (0)
- 27: Review: The Spare Room by Helen Garner (0)
- 27: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 25: Guest Post: Shane Briant, Author of WORST NIGHTMARES (0)
- 24: Review & Giveaway: Worst Nightmares by Shane Briant (0)
- 22: Review: Sineater by Elizabeth Massie (0)
- 22: Virginia is for Book Lovers Feature Author: Elizabeth Massie (0)
- 21: Sign Up Now for Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW) (1)
- 21: Teaser Tuesday, July 21 (0)
- 20: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 20: Winner of Castaways! (0)
- 14: Teaser Tuesday, July 14 (0)
- 13: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 09: New Feature: Virginia is for…Book Lovers! (0)
- 08: Book Review, Blog Tour & Giveway: The Castaways by Elin Hilderbrand (0)
- 07: Review: The Poet by Michael Connelly (0)
- 07: Teaser Tuesday-July 7 (0)
- 06: Game On Diet Weekly Update (9)
- 06: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 04: Happy 4th of July!! (0)
June 2009
- 30: Jane Austen Challenge (0)
- 30: Teaser Tuesday-June 30 (0)
- 29: I'm Getting My Game On! (0)
- 29: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 27: Winners of Father's Day Giveaway! (0)
- 26: Review: Katka by Stephen Ross Meier (0)
- 23: Guest Reviewer: My Son, Reviewing Horrid Henry (29)
- 23: Thrillerfest 2009-Oh, How I Wish I Could Go! (0)
- 23: Tuesday Teaser, June 23rd (0)
- 22: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 21: Bloggiesta Wrap-Up (0)
- 20: About Me (0)
- 19: Father's Day Giveaway! WHY A DAUGHTER NEEDS A DAD by Gregory Lang (0)
- 19: I'm Participating in the Bloggiesta!! (0)
- 18: Review: The Unseen by Alexandra Sokoloff (0)
- 18: Author Guest Post: Stephen Ross Meier, Author of Katka (0)
- 17: Sookie Stackhouse Reading Challenge! (0)
- 16: Tuesday Teaser, June 16 (0)
- 15: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 15: Review: Chemical Cowboys by Lisa Sweetingham (0)
- 14: Winners Announced! (0)
- 12: Review & Blog Tour: Secrets to Happiness by Sarah Dunn (0)
- 12: Meet the Author! Sarah Dunn, author of SECRETS TO HAPPINESS (0)
- 10: Review: The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (0)
- 09: Teaser Tuesday-June 9 (0)
- 08: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 04: Review, Blog Tour & Giveway: The Sitting Swing by Irene Watson (43)
- 03: Guest Post: Irene Watson, Author of THE SITTING SWING (0)
- 02: Review, Blog Tour & Giveaway: The Accidental Bestseller by Wendy Wax (0)
- 01: Winners of Afraid, by Jack Kilborn (0)
May 2009
- 31: BEA Highlights, Day Two (Friday) (0)
- 31: BEA Highlights-Day One (Thursday) (0)
- 26: I'm Bound for BEA! (0)
- 26: Teaser Tuesday-May 26 (0)
- 25: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 24: Review: Angels of Destruction by Keith Donohue (0)
- 23: And the Winner of the Mother's Day Hardbacker Giveway Is.. (0)
- 22: The Winner of the 200th Post Mega Book Giveaway Is… (0)
- 22: Review: Fault Line, by Barry Eisler (0)
- 20: Author Guest Post: Elizabeth Walker, author of THE TABLET OF MY HEART (3)
- 19: Teaser Tuesday-May 19 (0)
- 18: Review: The Tablet of My Heart by Elizabeth Walker (0)
- 18: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 16: Winners of Made in the U.S.A. by Billie Letts (0)
- 15: 200th Post Giveway #2-Mega Favorites Giveway! (0)
- 12: 200th Post Giveaway # 1-AFRAID by Jack Kilborn & Free eBook Download! (0)
- 12: Teaser Tuesday-May 12 (0)
- 12: Review & Giveway: One Deadly Sin by Annie Solomon (0)
- 11: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 10: Happy Mother's Day (Hint Hint..There's A Giveway!) (0)
- 09: The Nine Lessons: A Novel of Love, Fatherhood, and Second Chances by Kevin Alan Milne (0)
- 09: Winner of Follow Me, by Joanna Scott (0)
- 06: Kindle vs. Sony Reader–Your Thoughts? (0)
- 04: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 04: Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Reunion by Therese Fowler (0)
- 02: Giveaway: Made in the U.S.A. by Billie Letts (0)
- 01: Winner of Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr! (0)
- 01: Today is Buy Indie Day! (0)
April 2009
- 28: Teaser Tuesday (April 28) (0)
- 27: It's Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? (0)
- 27: Review & Blog Tour & Giveaway: Follow Me by Joanna Scott (0)
- 23: Review and Giveaway: Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr (0)
- 23: Countdown to True Blood, Season 2! (0)
- 22: Review: The Lost Hours by Karen White (9)
- 21: Author Guest Post: Karen White, Author of The Lost Hours (0)
- 21: Reposting of Giveaway Winners! (0)
- 21: Teaser Tuesday-April 21 (0)
- 20: Donation Total for Books for Soldiers (0)
- 20: It's Monday! What Are You Reading this Week? (0)
- 19: Read-a-thon–Hour 24 Meme (0)
- 19: 24 Hour Read-a-thon Wrap Up (0)
- 19: Read-a-thon Update: 7:00 AM ET (0)
- 19: 24 Hour Read-a-long Update- 3:00 AM ET (0)
- 19: 24 Hour Read-a-thon Update: 2:00 AM ET (0)
- 19: We've got some winners! (0)
- 19: Read-a-thon Update, 12 AM (0)
- 19: Read-a-thon Status, 10 PM ET (0)
- 19: Read-a-thon Status, 8:00 PM ET (0)
- 18: Read-a-thon Progress-6:00 PM ET (0)
- 18: Dewey's Read-a-thon Update: 4:00 PM ET (0)
- 18: Dewey's Read-a-thon Update- 2:00 PM ET (0)
- 18: Dewey's Read-a-thon Update, Hour 5 (0)
- 18: Dewey's Read-a-thon, Hour Three (0)
- 18: Read-a-thon, Hour 2 (0)
- 18: Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon is Here! (0)
- 17: Review: Afraid, by Jack Kilborn (0)
- 17: Trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (0)
- 16: Live Interview with George Pelecanos! (0)
- 15: Countdown to Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon! (0)
- 14: Teaser Tuesday-April 14 (0)
- 13: A Must Have Item for Any Book Lover! (0)
- 13: Review: Laura Rider's Masterpiece, by Jane Hamilton (0)
- 09: Help Me Support Books for Soldiers! (0)
- 08: Dewey's 24 hour Read-a-Thon (0)
- 07: Giveaway: The Turnaround by George Pelecanos (0)
- 07: Teaser Tuesdays-April 7 (0)
- 06: It's Monday! What are you reading this week? (0)
- 05: Thank you for the Awards! (0)
- 05: Review: Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand by Carrie Vaughn (0)
March 2009
- 18: Review & Giveaway: Galway Bay by Mary Pat Kelly (0)
- 17: Blog Tour: Galway Bay by Mary Pat Kelly (0)
- 15: Review and Giveaway: Willing Spirits by Phyllis Schieber (40)
- 15: Author Guest Post: Phyllis Schieber, Author of Willing Spirits (0)
- 11: Autor Guest Post: Katherine Center, Author of Everyone is Beautiful (7)
- 09: Review & Blog Tour: Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center (0)
- 08: Winner of My Mega ARC Giveway (0)
- 07: Drood Winner!! (0)
- 04: Win A Copy of Handle with Care, by Jodi Piccoult (0)
- 02: Book Giveaway Carnival Begins! (0)
February 2009
- 27: Review, Giveaway & Blog Tour-Drood, by Dan Simmons (0)
- 24: Author Spotlight: Jason Pratt, author of Cry of Justice (0)
- 23: Winner of KITTY AND THE MIDNIGHT HOUR, by Carrie Vaughn (0)
- 18: Book Giveaway Carnival March 2-8 (0)
- 18: Author Guest Post: Bruce Skye, author of GRAYRIDER (0)
- 16: Review and Blog Tour: Grayrider, by Bruce Skye (0)
- 14: We Have Winners! (0)
- 09: Review & Giveaway: Kitty and the Midnight Hour, by Carrie Vaughn (0)
- 03: Review: Knit Two, by Kate Jacobs (0)
January 2009
- 31: Giveaway-The Italian Lover, by Robert Hellenga (0)
- 28: Giveaway-Things I Want My Daughters to Know, by Elizabeth Noble (0)
- 28: Tag, I'm it! (0)
- 26: Giveaway Winners! (0)
- 21: A Change Has Come… (0)
- 19: Review: Gods Behaving Badly, by Marie Phillips (0)
- 15: Review, Blog Tour & Giveaway: Love and Other Natural Disasters by Holly Shumas (22)
- 14: Thanks for all the Awards! (0)
- 13: Hachette Audio Book Giveaway! (38)
- 12: Review: Shades of Gray: A Novel of the Civil War in Virginia by Jessica James (0)
- 07: Review: Perfect on Paper: The (Mis)adventures of Waverly Bryson, by Maria Murnane (0)
- 05: I Won A Butterfly Award! (0)
- 03: Review: The Missing, by Sarah Langan (0)
December 2008
- 27: Merry Chrismas, Everyone! (0)
- 16: My Computer Died 🙁 (0)
- 15: Winners of the Amazing Audiobook Giveaway! (0)
- 12: Injured by a Book, Part Two (0)
- 10: Review: The Five Lost Days by William Petrick (0)
- 06: Injured by a Book (0)
- 03: Amazing Audio Book Giveaway! (0)
- 02: Review and Giveaway: Blood Island by H. Terrell Griffin (0)
November 2008
- 27: Happy Thanksgiving! (0)
- 25: Update on Winners of Gods Behaving Badly (0)
- 23: Time to Announce Some Winners! (0)
- 16: Winner of The American Journey of Barack Obama (0)
- 14: Review: Deadly Night by Heather Graham (0)
- 14: Review & Giveaway: Any Given Doomsday, By Lori Handeland (0)
- 13: Another Giveaway! Gods Behaving Badly, by Marie Phillips (0)
- 08: Giveaway: The American Journey of Barack Obama (0)
- 04: I Voted! (0)
- 03: Review: Oblivious by Cyndia Depre (0)
- 01: Winner of Ghoulish Grab Bag of Halloween Goodies (0)
October 2008
- 31: Guest Post: K. Patrick Malone, Author of INSIDE A HAUNTED MIND and THE DIGGER'S REST (0)
- 29: Horror Book Marathon, Book Two: Deadly Night, by Heather Graham (0)
- 29: Review: The Academy, by Bentley Little (0)
- 27: Day One of My Halloween Horror Marathon! (0)
- 23: Review: Against Medical Advice: One Family's Struggle With An Agonizing Medical Mystery, by James Patterson & Hal Friedman (7)
- 21: Review: Red Sea by E.A. Benedek (0)
- 20: Tom Piazza Discusses City of Refuge (0)
- 20: Winner of Black Out by Lisa Unger is… (0)
- 16: Review: THE FORBIDDEN DAUGHTER, by Shobhan Bantwal (0)
- 09: Review & Giveaway-Black Out, by Lisa Unger (0)
- 05: This Week's Winners (0)
- 01: My Experience at the National Book Festival (0)
September 2008
- 27: Review: One Small Victory, by Maryann Miller (0)
- 26: Review: Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott (0)
- 26: National Book Festival Tomorrow! (0)
- 25: Review: THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO by Stieg Larsson (5)
- 20: Winners of The Almost Moon Contest (0)
- 17: Let's Talk Blogging! (And win an autographed Tess Gerritsen bookmark!) (0)
- 16: Teaser Tuesdays (0)
- 15: In Honor of BBAW–Win a copy of The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold! (0)
- 13: Winner of the Lori Andrews Contest! (0)
- 09: Tag, I'm it! (0)
- 08: Lori Andrews Contest! (0)
- 08: Winners of Tess Gerritsen Contest! (0)
- 05: Review: Sweetheart, by Chelsea Cain (0)
- 05: Review: Inside Out Girl, by Tish Cohen (4)
- 05: Review: Sweetsmoke, by David Fuller (0)
- 03: Catching Up (0)
August 2008
- 28: Tess Gerritsen Contest! (0)
- 24: And the Winner is… (0)
- 21: The Pageturners Hit D.C! (0)
- 19: This Week's Contest! Win an ARC of Confessions of A Contractor, by Richard Murphy (0)
- 17: And the winner… (0)
- 15: Review:SCHOOLED by Anisha Lakhani (0)
- 14: Confessions of A Contractor, by Richard Murphy (0)
- 13: The Richest Season, by Maryann McFadden (0)
- 13: Win an ARC of Schooled, by Anisa Lakhani (0)
- 13: And the Winner of the Richest Season is… (0)
- 04: This Week's Contest! Win a copy of The Richest Season by Maryann McFadden! (0)
- 03: And the Winner Is…… (0)
- 01: The White Mary by Kira Salak (0)
July 2008
- 31: This Week's Contest! Win an Advance Reader's Edition of The White Mary by Kira Salak (0)
- 31: For All You Harry Potter Fans! (0)
- 31: Win An Advance Readers Edition of The Mercedes Coffin by Faye Kellerman (0)
- 30: The Broken Window by Jeffery Deaver (0)
- 28: 40 (0)
- 28: OBEDIENCE by Will Lavender (0)
- 28: SISTERS OF MISERY by Megan Kelly Hall (3)
- 27: And the winners are.. (0)
- 19: Win a Free Copy of So Long at the Fair by Christina Schwarz (10)
- 19: Congratulations, Shana! (0)
- 16: Win a copy of Absolute Fear by Lisa Jackson (0)
- 12: THE GARGOYLE by Andrew Davidson (0)
- 12: CHASING HARRY WINSTON by Lauren Weisberger (0)
June 2008
- 27: Sail, by James Patterson & Howard Roughan (0)
- 26: Newton Prophesies, by Keith Katsikas (0)
- 25: Hold Tight, by Harlan Coben (0)
- 24: Things I Want My Daughters To Know, by Elizabeth Noble (0)
- 05: The Front, by Patricia Cornwell (0)
- 05: THE WOLFMAN by Nicholas Pekearo (0)
- 03: Rent Books Netflix-style with Online Book Rental – BookSwim.com (0)
- 02: Stone Creek, by Victoria Lustbader (0)
May 2008
- 22: The Almost Moon, by Alice Sebold (0)
- 19: THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE by Julie Buxbaum (0)
- 15: I'm Looking Through You: Growing up Haunted by Jennifer Finney Boylan (0)
- 08: Twenty Wishes by Debbie Macomber (0)
- 07: Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson (0)
- 06: The Department of Lost & Found, by Allison Winn Scotch (0)
April 2008
- 28: Three Little Words, by Ashley Rhodes-Courter (0)
- 21: Peony in Love, by Lisa See (0)
- 14: Heartwrenching Tale (0)
- 14: Tarnished Beauty by Cecilia Samartin (0)
- 09: 7th Heaven, by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro (0)
- 07: The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox, by Maggie O'Farrell (0)
March 2008
- 31: Memory of Water, by Karen White (0)
- 28: Anatomy of Deception, by Lawrence Goldstone (0)
- 27: The God of Animals, by Aryn Kyle (0)
- 17: Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer (0)
- 11: Friday Night Knitting Club (0)
- 09: Change of Heart, Jodi Picoult (0)
- 08: What I'm Reading Now (0)
- 08: The Year of Fog by Michelle Richmond (1)