Category Archives: Bookish Chatter
A Month in Review: November 2014
Yikes! Where did November go? How did it get to be December already? As the weather cools, I prefer to spend most of my time at home, comfortably curled up with a book. Despite having a short (ok, a … Continue reading
Winter Book Preview: December, 2014
It’s been over a month since I’ve done a book preview. November was a pretty quiet publishing month; December is a quiet month as well but I still managed to find several books I’m excited about. Plus, I’m always looking … Continue reading
Blogger 911: I Was Hacked
I’ve been blogging since 2008. I thought I was knowledgeable in the ins/outs of blogging. Boy, was I wrong. Last week, my blog was hacked. I couldn’t access it to fix it. I felt vulnerable. I felt helpless. I’m writing this … Continue reading
Reflections: Revival by Stephen King
The moment I read the final pages of Revival I knew there was no way I would be able to review it. Not because I didn’t like it, or because it wasn’t worth my time. Quite the opposite, as a … Continue reading
Week in Review: October 26, 2014
With family in town last weekend, despite my attempts to participate in the readathon I was pretty AWOL from the blog. I have two weeks of posts to catch you up on! We’re coming in on the last week of … Continue reading
Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon: October 2014
Tomorrow, Dewey’s 24-Hour read-a-thon officially kicks off! This is my favorite of the two read-a-thons; there’s something about the cool fall weather and the idea of curling up under a nice, warm, blanket that appeals to me! When I heard … Continue reading
TSS: Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Week 2 Wrap-Up
This post comes a little (ok, a lot) later than I hoped. Last night, my teen went to his first Homecoming dance. Upon dropping him off for the dance, I learned they didn’t have enough volunteers. Guess who stayed until … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: October 2014, Part III
Didn’t I warn you that October was an outstanding month of books. I’ve shared two lists thus far (Part I & Part II) and I’m wrapping up with the final list of books today. These lists have covered the gamut … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: October 2014, Part II
Yesterday, I shared the first part of my most anticipated books of October list, books that publish the first week of October. October is another big publishing month; I forsee at least one more post after this one! Following are … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: October 2014, Part I
I’m a little behind on this. Crazy work schedule plus a teen son with shingles, I have little time to even contemplate reading a book. That said, I did take the time to review books releasing in October. Wow, what … Continue reading