Category Archives: Bookish Chatter
Gone Girl Film Release Giveaway!
UPDATED: WINNER SELECTED! Congratulations, Sarah Hayes!! It’s the book everyone was talking about. In just a few weeks, the movie is hitting the big screen. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited. I loved the book (despite the urge … Continue reading
TSS: Booktopia Asheville #BooktopiaAVL
You may have noticed that this blog has been quite for the past several days. I’ve spent the last few days in the beautiful Asheville, NC surrounded by a host of readers and writers. Last Thursday, I hopped on a … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: September, 2014, Part III
We’re in the final stretch! I’ve already shared Part I and Part II of my most anticipated books of September. Today, I’m pleased to wrap up this series with the final post. Didn’t I warn you there were a lot … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: September, 2014, Part II
Yesterday, I shared the first of three posts spotlighting the September releases I’m excited about. Today I’m pleased to share the second list. Once again, I’ve included the publisher’s summary and a link to preorder. Without further ado… Of Monsters … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: September, 2014, Part I
School is starting back up here again in the next few weeks and the promise of cool, fall weather is just around the corner. Fall is, by far, my favorite season of the year. Here in Virginia, trees begin to … Continue reading
Week in Review: July 27, 2014
I missed posting a week in review last week. We were in Hampton, VA for my husband’s family reunion. Not a lot of reading time, but plenty of time to enjoy family and some pretty excellent food. This week, I’ve … Continue reading
Summer Book Preview: August 2014, Part II
Yesterday, I shared the first part of a very eclectic list of August books I am anticipating. It shouldn’t shock you that, since creating that list, I’ve discovered a slew of other books to add to my list. Therefore, today … Continue reading
Summer Book Preview: August 2014, Part I
Wow, it’s hard to believe we’re nearly through the month of July! Since it is the last month of summer, I was hoping that August would be a slow month in the publication world so I could catch up on … Continue reading
Introducing: Subscriber Bonus! Monthly Giveaway!
It seems I’m in a constant dilemma of what to do with my ARCs after I read & review the title. Typically, I add the books to a pile and take them to book club to give away. That’s all … Continue reading
Summer Book Preview: July 2014, Part II
Yesterday, I shared the first part of my most anticipated books of July post. Today, I’m pleased to share with you the second part of this list! I’ve included the publisher’s summary and an option to pre-order by clicking on … Continue reading