Category Archives: Bookish Chatter
Giveaway: The Last Policeman by Ben Winters
Yesterday, I reviewed the truly dynamic The Last Policeman by Ben Winters. Today, thanks to Quirk Books, I have three copies of the books, plus three of the official book posters (pictured below) to give away. Each winner will win … Continue reading
BEA Feature Post: A Behind the Scenes Look at eBooks
Rather than writing the standard BEA wrap-up post where I try (and fail!) to recall what I did each day, I’ve decided to focus on sessions/events in which I found a great deal of value. Last week while I was … Continue reading
Welcome BEA Attendees!
This post is intended to serve as a welcome or intro to me for those authors, publicists, bloggers, etc whom I met while at a BEA (Book Expo America) or the BEA Blogger Conference. This is a sticky post. Just … Continue reading
Going to BEA/BEA Blogger Convention? Let’s Meet Up!
It’s less than a month away: the event book bloggers, authors, & publishers all look forward to! Book Expo America! One of the most important things about BEA is not the free galleys but the networking! I’ve made some great … Continue reading
Reliving Morrison: My Path Down Memory Lane
Today, May 8th has been deemed Toni Morrison day to celebrate the publication of Morrison’s newest book, Home. After reading a review copy of home Home, I knew there was no way I could possibly review a novel by this incredibly talented … Continue reading
Blogiversary Special: Things I Wish I Knew As A New Blogger
Today I celebrate the fourth anniversary of this blog. It has really been a wonderful four years, full of many changes on this blog. From the one-paragraph (gasp!) reviews to a complete overhaul to the overall appearance of my blog … Continue reading
TSS: Books Spark Excellent Discussions
This week I had the pleasure of reading & reviewing two pretty outstanding books, Defending Jacob by William Landay and Helpless by Daniel Palmer. The storyline, the plot, the characters weren’t the only things that made these books outstanding. What … Continue reading
Best Books of 2011: Girl Power
When I began to work on my “favorites of 2011” list, the task immediately became quite daunting. How on earth could I limit it to just 10 books? Quickly I realized that was an impossible task. Why limit the books … Continue reading
Giveaway: The Thirteen Hallows by Michael Scott & Colette Freedman
Earlier today, I reviewed The Thirteen Hallows, the stunning debut in a new saga by Michael Scott & Colette Freedman. Now, thanks to the publisher, I have one copy to give away to one lucky winner. To enter, please fill … Continue reading
Review: The Nook Tablet
The wait was worth it, ladies & gentlemen. I now have, in my possession, the Nook Tablet. My opinion, two days past purchase: it’s pretty awesome. I have the Nook Classic as well, so I’m familiar with the overall Nook … Continue reading