Category Archives: Bookish Chatter
Month in Review: August 2016
August was a crazy month. Starting a new business, keeping up with my boys’ hectic schedule, school starting. I cannot wait until things even out a bit! Added to all this, I was in a serious book slump, nothing … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: September 2016, Part II
Yesterday, I shared the first part of my most anticipated titles of September. I’m excited to share rest of the list today, books publishing the last half of September. I’m excited…September is always a great month for books! Three … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: September 2016, Part I
I must say, I’m glad this summer is flying by. It is hot, humid, and miserable here. I’m ready for the cool briskness of Fall! I have quite a list of September titles I’m looking forward to! I’ve listed those … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: August 2016, Part II
Last week, I shared the first part of my “most anticipated” list of August. This post will detail those titles releasing the second part of this month. As always, I’ve included the publisher’s summary and a brief note as to … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: August 2016, Part I
I bet you thought I forgot to share my most anticipated titles for August. Well, I actually nearly did! I create a list for myself to help me in scheduling my posts. I just need to remember to transfer that … Continue reading
Summer Book Preview: July 2016, Part III
I’m glad to see you’ve come back for the last part of my July preview list! In case you missed it, here are Part I and Part II. Following are the titles that publish the last two weeks of July! … Continue reading
Summer Book Preview: July 2016, Part II
I’m baaack, and with more books! Earlier this week, I shared the first part of my July preview list. Were you one of the fortunate who earned ebook credits from the settlement? Time to spend that money! Following are the … Continue reading
Summer Book Preview: July 2016, Part I
I was neglect in creating preview posts for June (thanks to my crazy schedule, BEA, etc.) so I knew i couldn’t be remiss in sharing July titles that piqued my attention. July is quite a month for books, leaving me … Continue reading
Month in Review: May 2016
May was a busy month! I traveled to BEA (Book Expo America) for a week of bookish fun. I experienced a book slump of epic proportions (and recovered). It was also a month of great books! Following are the … Continue reading
#BEA16 Wrapup: Harper Collins Summer/Fall Book Preview Part II
Earlier this week, I shared some of the titles I discovered as part of Harper Collins pre-BEA Summer/Fall Book Preview. In an attempt to not overwhelm you/keep the post short, today I’ll be sharing the remaining titles. They are … Continue reading