Category Archives: Bookish Chatter
Best of 2015: Books That Gave Me All the Feels
There are some books that are so brilliant, so moving, so intense that they soften my cold, dead heart or evoke such strong emotions in me that I essentially demand everyone I know to purchase said book. Following is … Continue reading
Best of 2015: Audiobooks
I listen to quite a few audiobooks each year. My commute into work is about 30 minutes each way, and I refuse to listen to the radio (all they talk about is traffic), so I tune in to an audiobook. … Continue reading
Best of 2015: Historical Fiction
It’s that time of year again! Time to kick off my “Best of” posts. I typically wait until the very end of the year. Who knows when a last minute book will sneak in, knocking my socks off! I’ve … Continue reading
Winter Book Preview: January 2016, Part III
For the last few days, I’ve been sharing my most anticipated books of January! Today, I’ll conclude with the last of the lists. Included is the publisher’s summary & a short explanation about why I’m looking forward to that particular … Continue reading
Winter Book Preview: January 2016 Part II
Yesterday, I shared the first part of my most anticipated books of January post. Today’s post is dedicated to all books published the second week of January. As you can see, there are quite a few! Once again, I’ve included … Continue reading
Winter Book Preview: January 2016, Part I
Many apologies for not doing these previews the last few months. No excuses, just a promise to make a conscious effort to keep doing them! I’ve included the publisher’s summary, along with a brief explanation as to why I’m looking … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: November 2015, Part II
Yesterday, I shared the November titles that released this week. Let’s talk books for the rest of the month. Once again, I’ve included the publisher’s summary and a brief explanation as to why I’m interested in reading that particular book. … Continue reading
Fall Book Preview: November 2015, Part I
I realized the other day that these fall preview books help make me aware of upcoming titles and really missed not doing one last month! The fact that November has already started is a bonus; less time to wait for … Continue reading
Vote for the 2015 Murder, Monster & Mayhem Logo!
EDITED: The results are in! Congratulations, Emily! You have designed the winning artwork for Murder, Monsters & Mayhem 2015! A few weeks ago, I launched a contest for the 2015 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Button, fully intending to … Continue reading
R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril X!
R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril is here!! As we all know, fall is my favorite time of the year. Halloween (and all things spooky) is just around the corner! I love any excuse to satiate my hunger for thriller and horror! This … Continue reading