2024 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem Kick-Off! #murdermonstersmayhem

Today’s the day! The first day of October & the first day of Murder, Monsters & Mayhem!!

Anyone who has followed this blog for any significant period of time understand just how much I love Halloween (and Fall in general)! To celebrate my obsession with the macabre, each year I host a month long feature in October called Murder, Monsters & Mayhem (Mx3). For the entire month, I’ll be sharing some horror/thriller/mystery suspense titles that gave me the chills!

Are you ready? Do you have a stack of spooky books you can’t wait to start? Show us what you plan to read this month! Most of my posting will take place on Instagram, but I wanted to post the traditional link-up post. If you are on Instagram, use the #murdermonstersmayhem so we can follow your progress!

Stay tuned for more….and keep your lights on!

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Book Club Favorites of 2023!



The fiction book club I lead at One More Page Books kicks off the new year by talking about our favorite reads of the previous year.  We call it a book club potluck: instead of food we bring book recommendations! This aren’t book club picks, but books we’ve read outside of book club that we’ve really enjoyed. Additionally, they don’t have to have been published recently, simply books we’ve read in the last year. This is my favorite meeting of the year; we always come up with quite the eclectic list of books!

Here are our favorite reads of 2023, in no particular order! It’s quite a long list! Click on the title to learn more, and to order your own copy!

Since this is already a pretty long list, you can check out my Instagram to view my favorites!

Did you add any titles to your TBR!?  I know I did!

Posted in Book Club Discussion, Bookish Chatter | 2 Comments

2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Wrap-up #thankfullyreading


Another year of Thankfully Reading Weekend has come to an end! While I never get as much reading done as I’d like, I hope to catch up on our drive home today!

For those of you interested in doing a wrap-up post, I’ve included a link-up below.

Thank you again to all who participated. Get those last few hours of reading in!!

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2023 Thankfully Reading Day Four: Small Business Saturday!

It’s Day Four of Thankfully Reading Weekend!

Today, I encourage you to take a small break from reading to participate in Small Business Saturday.  Have a local independent bookstore? Pay them a visit and let them know how much you appreciate them!  As the owner of my own small business, I do appreciate the importance of shopping local!

Since we’re traveling, I can’t visit my favorite independent bookstore, One More Page Books in person, but I do plan on shopping online!  We’ll also visit some of my favorite small business here, too!

Today’s challenge is easy! Did you visit your local indie today? Share a pic of your purchases!  Link up your post below, or tag it with #thankfullyreading!

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2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Three! #thankfullyreadingweekend

Happy Day After Thanksgiving! How did everyone do yesterday? Full stomachs, plenty of reading time…sounds like bliss to me! I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to a quiet day of reading, avoiding the retail madness! Yesterday was a crazy day, so I’m looking forward to a relaxing day today!

For today’s challenge, I invite you to write about the book you are most thankful for this year. Is it a book written by one of your favorite authors or one you just happened to come upon? Tell us about it!  Include a link to your post below, or if you don’t have a blog, tell us about the book in the comments!

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2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend: Day Two


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We have a nice low-key Thanksgiving planned.  We ordered dinner, so we just need to warm it up!  We’re making some of our own favorite sides, but I think we’re all looking for some more time to chill & relax.

For today’s challenge, let’s talk about a “reading menu.” What makes a good menu to you?  What are your favorite genres, favorite books? Any tactics authors use that drives you crazy (like cliffhangers!?).

Feel free to answer in the comments or below! I’ve also added a Mr. Linky for those updating on their blogs!

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2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend Begins! #thankfullyreading

This is the official kick off post for Thankfully Reading!  Instead of braving the crowds and shopping this weekend, we’re spending our time curled up with a book!

Feel free to link up your kick-off post below, as well as any update posts you have. Don’t have a blog? Don’t worry! You can keep us updated on your progress in the comments below, on Instagram, Twitter (use #thankfullyreading or make sure you tag me so I can see it!) or Facebook! Haven’t signed up yet to participate? Not to worry! There is still plenty of time!

If you don’t know what to post, here are some ideas. But remember there are no rules; feel free to post as little/as much as you like!

  • How will/did you celebrate Thanksgiving?
  • What’s in your TBR pile for the weekend?
  • How much time do you think you’ll have for reading?
  • What book are you starting out with?
  • Are you reading print, ebooks, or audio? Maybe a bit each?
  • What books will you be talking about during Thanksgiving dinner? Be sure to keep track of any recommendations you receive and share when you have the time. If you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, don’t worry, this is a weekend for everyone!

Throughout this event, feel free to post about your progress or even get some reviews up. Be sure to come back and link up your posts. Then take a break and check out everyone else’s posts. I’m looking forward to seeing how everyone else is celebrating Thankfully Reading Weekend.

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #thankfullyreading so we can connect all these posts across the platforms!

On Sunday afternoon, we’ll post another link-up for your wrap-up post. Tell us how your Thankfully Reading Weekend went. You could give mini-reviews of your books, tell us how many books and which books you read, number of pages, number of hours, and so on. This is a rule-free, contest-free event, so you can wrap up the weekend however you’d like.

Posted in Thankfully Reading Weekend | 2 Comments

2023 Thankfully Reading Weekend!

It’s baack!

I’m pleased to announce that I will once again be hosting Thankfully Reading Weekend, November 22-26(Wednesday through Sunday)! I added on an extra day since it seemed many of us were ready to read early!

I’m hoping everyone will be staying home this holiday and avoiding the stores for the kick-off of holiday shopping. What better way to spend that time than reading?

New to Thankfully Reading Weekend? Here are the details:

There are no rules to the weekend, we’re simply hoping to devote a good amount of time to reading, and perhaps meeting some of our reading challenges and goals for the year. We thought it’d be fun if we cheered each other on a bit. If you think you can join in, grab the logo  and add your sign up post to the link-up below.  You don’t need a blog to participate; just include the link to where you’ll be posting your updates (Instagram, Threads, etc).   I personally will be updating most on Instagram.

The official hashtag we’ll be using is #thankfullyreading. Join in for the weekend or for only a single day. No rules, no pressure!

Posted in Thankfully Reading Weekend | 2 Comments

2023 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: Week 2 in Review


The second week of the 2023 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem has come to an end!  In case you aren’t following in Instagram, here’s a wrap-up of the books featured this week:

Come Closer by Sara Gran 
The September House by Carissa Orlando
Fever House by Keith Rosson
Let Him In by William Friend


Did you read any spooky books this week?


Posted in Murders, Monsters, & Mayhem | 1 Comment

2023 Murder, Monsters & Mayhem: Week in Review

Hooray!  We’re at the end of the first week of Murder, Monsters & Mayhem!  Here’s a recap!

October 1: GHOST TAMER by Meredith R. Lyons
October 2:  MISTER MAGIC by Kiersten White
October 3: Holly Horror by Michelle Jabès Corpora
October 4: Scarewaves by Trevor Henderson
October 5: Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison
October 6: My Darling Girl by Jennifer McMahon

Have you read any of these titles? Which ones will you be adding to your TBR?

Posted in Murders, Monsters, & Mayhem | 2 Comments