I received this book for free from Publisher (egalley) in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Penguin on January 9, 2018
Genres: Family Life, Fiction, Literary
Pages: 352
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher (egalley)
It's the late 1960s in New York City's Lower East Side. The Gold children- Simon, Klara, Daniel & Varya learn of a psychic who can predict the exact date of one's death. Ever curious, the siblings sneak away to learn their fate. What they learn will forever alter the paths their lives take.
I’ve been in a desperate book funk for the last several months. My life has been crazy hectic, and I found it difficult to become invested enough in a novel for it to keep my attention. That all changed when I picked up this book.
It’s not always an easy read, but one that forces you to reflect upon your own life and what you would do if you knew the very day you were going to die. Whether you were destined a long life or a short, would that change how you lived your life? If you were “promised” a long life would you cherish your days any more than if you learned you only had a few short years to live?
For the Gold children, their fate was altered the moment they learned this information. The key question is, however, was the psychic’s prophecy true, or did the decisions they make lead them down a path they would have not ventured without this information?
All in all, this is a truly deep and introspective read. I received it as a recommendation after requesting a “lasting” book, one that would reside within my soul for some time even after reading it. This completely and totally rings true for this title. Highly, highly recommended.
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