Also by this author: Finders Keepers, Gwendy's Button Box
Published by Simon and Schuster on October 30, 2018
Genres: Fiction, Literary, Supernatural, Suspense, Thrillers
Pages: 160
Format: Hardcover
Source: personal copy
Scott Carey doesn't appear to be losing weight. Yet when he steps on the scale, he's noticed a steady decline in his weight, roughly a pound per day. Additionally, he weighs just as much clothed as without. He isn't attempting a diet (he prefers gravy on everything) yet this apparent weight loss has him concerned.
Meanwhile, Scott is in an escalating battle with his neighbors. They allow their dog to walk free throughout the neighborhood, not carrying to clean up after it. Unknown to Scott, his neighbors, a lesbian married couple, are struggling to keep their restaurant afloat. The town of Castle Rock, set in its ways, refuses to allow a gay couple to succeed.
Scott's ailment provides a mechanism for the most unlikely of alliances to come together. Prejudices are lifted, bringing out the very best in the small Maine town.
Admittedly, when I received my copy of Elevation I was quite shocked. It’s tiny, not only in page count (under 200), but in size as well. It looks more like a gift book than the typical Stephen King volume. I was a bit disappointed, craving a chuckster of King brilliance.
I should have trusted Uncle Steve. This tiny, miniature size book packs a big punch. King excels at horror, but he also excels at exploring and bringing to life the darkest part of our society. In this instance, he brings hope and love and light to a world that is struggling with hate and divisiveness.
I read this in one sitting and I cannot wait to read again. This is a book that I will gift to dozens of readers for it’s the very thing we need right now: Hope.
Highly, highly recommended.