What what? A summer read-a-thon!? Yes, please! And what is a reverse read-a-thon, you may ask? Well, traditionally the read-a-thon begins at 8 AM Eastern on Saturday and runs until 8 AM on Sunday. This read-a-thon starts tonight (Friday)at 8 PM Eastern and runs through Saturday at 8 PM Eastern. We’ll see how productive I am during this read-a-thon; generally I’m pretty lenient and flexible and just read as I want.
I desperately need this read-a-thon to force me to chill and actually read a book. Life has been crazy. Working a full-time job and a side gig is a challenge and both have worn me out!
My plan is…not a plan. I’m just going to grab some books off the stack I packed for a road trip that I didn’t get around to reading! Zero pressure, zero plans. Just what I need this weekend!
I’ll be updating via Instagram, which I’ll embed below once the event kicks off this evening. What are you reading this weekend?
2 Responses to Dewey’s August 24-Hour REVERSE #Readathon!