Tomorrow is the big day! The first day of October & the first day of Murder, Monsters & Mayhem!!
Anyone who has followed this blog for any significant period of time understand just how much I love Halloween (and Fall in general)! To celebrate my obsession with the macabre, each year I host a month long feature in October called Murder, Monsters & Mayhem (Mx3). For the entire month, I’ll be sharing some horror/thriller/mystery suspense titles that gave me the chills!
Are you ready? Do you have a stack of spooky books you can’t wait to start? Show us what you plan to read this month! If you are on Twitter or Instagram, make sure you use the hashtag #murdermonstersmayhem so we can follow your progress!
This post shall serve as the official link-up post for the month! I love seeing what everyone is reading! In many cases, it adds to my reading stack!
Stay tuned for more….and keep your lights on!
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