Author Archives: Jenn
Spring Book Preview: March 2017, Part I
Egads! It’s been far too long since I’ve done one of these preview posts! I must say, they do help me organize/plan ahead with my reading. Perhaps their absence explains my reading funk lately? The list below is just a … Continue reading
Review: The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn
If you haven’t read any of Ahlborn’s work, add her to your list, especially if you are a fan of horror like I am. Everything she writes is brilliantly terrifying; the fact that she can send chills down my spine … Continue reading
Review: The Impossible Fortress by Jason Rekulak
I adored this book! A tribute to the 80s and the infancy of the computer age, this book had me reminiscing about my own youth. This read was a breath of fresh air, so full of hope and innocence, the … Continue reading
Review: The Nightwalker by Sebastian Fitzek
What an incredibly twisty read! Told from the point of view of Leon himself, the reader is forced to come to terms with an incredibly unreliable narrator. Just as one thinks the path they are following is the accurate (and … Continue reading
Month in Review: January 2017
January was another challenging reading month. Also my busiest month as far as travel goes for work, I have found time to squeeze in some reading time on planes :). I’m hoping February will be a more productive month! … Continue reading
Review: Containment by Hank Parker
I was desperate for an escape read. This one certainly met the qualifications. Perhaps it was because I listened to the audio? I think this format added an intensity to it that may not have carried through to the print … Continue reading
Review: Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough
Never before have I uttered so man “WTF’s” while reading. First, let me start by saying I’ve been a fan of Pinborough’s for over a decade. My first introduction to her work was via her horror. She excels at writing the … Continue reading
Review: Small Admissions by Amy Poeppel
I absolutely love when a book takes you by surprise, overwhelming and lifting you up in ways unimaginable. When I read the premise of this book, I thought it was a light, fluffy read, perfect airplane reading for my multiple … Continue reading
Batgirl at Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls) by Lisa Yee
This is now the third book I’ve read in this series and it may very well be my favorite. I believe it serves an important message to young girls, those who have been immersed in stories and movies about famous … Continue reading
Review: Two Days Gone by Randall Silvis
Wow. This is certainly not a book for the faint of heart. From the very beginning, Silvis takes his reader into a dark and harrowing journey. The slaughter (there isn’t really any other way to to describe it) of his … Continue reading